
“It's a Puzzlement”!

Treasury Department Spells Out Proposed Rules for Taxing Native Americans
No need to once again go into my feeling on Casino's, Shaman or Spiritual Leader however, how can a government justify not taxing religious organizations the likes of churches and Synagogue and then tax Native Americans that they call a Nation?
Even though many countries did tax this country at its beginning, this country does not tax other countries however, we do tax another Nations?
Don't get me wrong, if I must pay taxes so should everyone else?
If a group of people living within this country are called a Nation (Nation to Nation sovereign governments), how can this country tax that nation?
On the other hand, I pray at my church alter at least three times a day sever days a week, why does this country tax my yard?
As the king in the King and I likes to say “It's a Puzzlement”!
The IRS and Treasury Department met hammer out some guidance” on what is taxable and what is excluded under existing laws.
The biggest problem with the following statement in the article. The ability of tribes to provide for the general welfare of their citizens is truly critical to the self-determination of tribal governments especially important given one out of every four Native people in the U.S. live in poverty.
Every tribe that now has a casino that I know about, has dumped their poor poverty stricken people so as to get that casino!


Do Native Americans say please and thank you?

Welcome to my visitor from Boise Idaho

Wanting to know if we have words for please and thank-you?

Do Native Americans say please and thank you?


Agagozasu Thank You

A ga go za su ~ thank you


Nanoutozo Please

nan ou to zo ~ please

Remember that you came to my site looking for your answer.

This site speaks about my people, the Eastern Woodland Native Americans throughout the New England area only.

I cannot speak for other tribes in Indian country.


I am not a writer! DUH!

Just one lasts time then a promise never again?
Also once again, talking about my people.
I am not a writer! DUH!
I am writing far too much about "non recognized people" DUH!
OK, the reason why and why I turned my back on my people, the ones with the two largest casino's in country, not counting my promise to both of my Sachems!
If you were not brought up in a complete Matriarch system of happy family people, you might never completely understand the why?
In the 1940's, 50's and 60's I knew gathering as Paw-paus, these gatherings four times a year and our mouthy meetings where by invite (everyone wishing showed up).
This country is in need of this once again!
I spent my younger years learning from thousands of elders from tribes from Nova Scotia to Delaware, all over New York state and beyond, ALL were of this Matriarch Society, all were poor, so this government had no problem calling them TRIBAL!
After the late 1980's this government with their "Indians" are constantly telling you that ALL of those thousands of elders, people I have loved for a life time and now ancestors, are not Native Americans (Original people) because they no longer qualify as what this government and their "Indians" call Native Americans!
Remember, all of those people were united in one main cause. Get their land back or get compensation (other land or fair payment for stolen property)!
By collecting a few people that sold out for a casino, this government now owes nothing to the decadents of these people?
Tribes all over New England where recognized by state governments, where did these tribes go?
It’s a puzzlement?
‘US govt. discriminates against Native Americans


Dyslexia in Native Americans?

There are a good, strong, hand full of way to know that you have Native American Blood.
One of them is a fact that we tend to be dyslexia, how dyslexic depends on the amount of native gens (Indigenous blood )we have.
Protecting my honor? :-(
Dyslexia in a native is the hard time our minds seem to be having agreeing with the English language!
Another fool proof way of telling is a simple test, looking in a mirror, hold your hand up palm facing your nose.
A natives little finger tends to bend towards the other fingers (this really shows more in women then the men)?
Well this is a little attempt at the impossible, saving face!
I enjoy going back on posting to see if people like, or just have no opinion about a subject on a posting, I also know about my English grammar, so I re read the post :-(
I know the scientist out there may not be a believer, so another little test is in order.
When we were writing our letters (pen & paper), we would spend time and more care on the work at hand.
When we are typing or using a computer and in a hurry, we tend to think faster then we type.
Looking back at the work, our letters seem to want to reverse themselves?
(Themselves can turn out to be themeslevs)?
It also does not help if one has fat fingers!
Now, if you take this and the fact that back in the 40's and 50's, teachers in schools off my reservation had very little interest in teaching INDIANS, ENGLISH!
You can see why it takes me so long to get back to you with answers to questions, sorry!
And then I still goof up, OH WELL!
I am writing about this because it would seem that every time I go back to check, no matter how hard I try before posting, I find mistakes.
All I have to say for myself is "Working on it".


wolf dream catcher?

Welcome to the visitor from Skyvision Global Networks Ltd
Apo Armed Forces Euro United States
Not sure what you are looking for however, the picture of the two wolf story is free for the taking, enjoy the story?
I never heard of this Wolf Dream Catcher, am interested in reading more it you please?