
The Book People!

It would seem to me that some of my Google friends do not understand about my feeling toward most 'Reservation Indian' and their treatment of non reservation American Natives, so allow me to try to explain?

I will start at the end, or very near it and write back to my beginning if you please.

Show of hands, how many of you know Leonard Peltier?

Many years ago my partner, after seeing Dances with Wolfs, changed her major in college and took a trip to Wounded Knee Pine Ridge, she had no idea why!

While walking the valley of death, she felt someone was looking at her, she was alone at the time, turning she saw up on the hill a person walking slowly towards her. When this person came face to face, she said "Thank you for coming, we have been praying day and night for you to come. Anyway after long conversations, many hugs and much information, my partner went home and as promised started a website. This is that site


How many of you know Barbara Peltier, Leonard's sister?

This website has been evolving ever since and that person on the hill is Barbara Peltier!

I tell you this because only after meeting up with me did my partner know that she has our blood. she started writing on this website with what was told to her from the decadents of wounded Knee (Barbara, family and friends).

We both agreed to join the powwow trail, she, a lover of books, taught and sold Native American books and music. I taught and learned our ways and their ways. We did this for about 5 years. Now for the meat of this story, one day this young kid in his twenties (not naming the "tribe") opened the door to her motor home, told us that she should not be at any powwow because she does not carry a card, walked over to the refrigerator opened the door and ordered her to make him a sandwich! While he was picking himself up off the ground and I was sure that he would not be walking back in EVER, I reported to the powwow head veteran as to what happened. Stories like this where going on all of the time at "Indian Reservations" because her skin in not the right color?

P.S. My partner is the only person, to get invited back time and time again to the Schmitzen powwow in Connecticut!

My partner refuses to join any reservation Indian tribe and this is her right!

Now for my story

I wrote about our Paw paus and why we changes it to powwow, will the Euro Americans were not the only problem that we in the east were having with our gatherings. Two of the 'so called reservation Indians around the plains area' were coming around trying to change our gatherings into "the only real Indian powwows"! back in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

I have had them tell me that my family Pequot's and Mohegan's are not real Indians?

Of course, we are not Indians we are Mohegan's and Pequot's!

I have not heard this since the two largest casinos in Indian country are the ones in Connecticut?

Because of this president we are stuck with our own casinos!

President Reagan and the Indians


Why are Native Americans called Native Americans


Why are Native Americans called Native Americans and not just Americans?


Just curious like if you have Italian blood you're Italian. Sorry if this is confusing.


My answer to Imirra, Thomas and ASKER, on Yahoo!


Asker and Thomas both shot themselves in the foot right from the start and then called their ancestors Indians? Strike Three.

Dear Imirra, your question is not unusual and is very confusing to people that do not have the answer.

However it is a great question, thank you for asking.

First thing, is that the difference is ALL ABOUT THE BLOOD!

Your question is so confusing because each time this question is asked, people without the correct answer jump in and answer with what they presume to be the correct answer, or really do not have the answer in the first place and that is the confusion.

This government placed our people on reservations and handed out another form of a treaty known as a PLASTIC CARD for one reason and only one reason, it (this government) needed another way of controlling the REDMAN!

A tribal reservation is nothing more than a jail without the bars.


When I say blood I am not talking about percentage of, I am talking about descending from, same as an Italian, French, English and so on, understand?

First people are the first to arrive before any other, not what this government choose us to be!

If that above treaty (Plastic card) is broken, the Red Man must do the breaking, Big Brother likes this treaty, the only treaty not broken, I wonder why?

Second thing is that one does not become a descendent of a traditional tribe by joining a government run and controlled prison called reservation and last but by no means least, it is OK to be an Indian, this would make you an Indian American and always welcome back to your motherland India, if you so chose a Dual or Multiple citizenship.

We traditional American first people also fall into this trap because it seems to be the easiest way of explaining and for this I apologize.

I am a United States Citizen proud of my Mohegan/Pequot ancestors, simple as that?

If a Tribal Reservation is a sovereign nation, see what happens if an outsider come into your sovereign nation and kills one or more of your people and your form of government has a trial and hangs the outsider?


Almost if not all native tribes have a massacre story

I am not happy about the abuse at Wounded Knee any more then I am knowing about the destruction of the our Pequot tribe however, it is time to include in our prayers, all of the abuse of all of the people?

Native Americans remember 'forgotten' massacre that left 450 dead in vicious attack during the Civil War

Top photo is a true traditional elder respectfully praying for the ancestors.

You can have all of the words and physical movement that you feel is correct if you are looking for admiration from your public or you can quietly join in with an elder for respect to our ancestors.

In other words, standing up front of an audience and preaching and blessing everything with your words make little sense for a relation that has now crossed? Just quietly pray for all to remember while you are doing what she is doing and go sit.

The Battle at Bear River is not one that the general public may have etched in their memories, but for the members of the Shoshone tribe of Native Americans, it is an incident that lives in infamy.

On Tuesday, descendants of the Shoshoni Indians gathered near the site in present-day Idaho where hundreds of their relatives were slaughtered 150 years ago.

The Massacre at Bear River took place in 1863 when heightened tensions between the Native Americans and federal troops from the California reserves reached a tipping point.

Honky Giver?

Honky Giver is something like Indian Giver only totally different?

My ancestors spoke about a lost European traveler that was fed, cloth and cleaned up and was allowed to borrow a horse from the tribe to complete the trip home. Once home the traveler was to give the horse back to his escort ( one of our people) only this traveler had the escort arrested and hung for stealing the horse!

Indian Giver?

Honky Giver is a Euro American governor that spent the first 3 years taking from the people and now time to run for that 2nd term so he wants credit for trying to return what was not his and is calling it a GIFT?

Honky Giver!

Gov. Rick Scott wants $1.2 billion for public schools

Let’s see how many people will still remember the first 3 years and not be fooled by his last year phony moves?

Question, "Is he the only politician throughout Indian Country trying to pull the wool over our eyes just to get reelected"?


I borrowed the word Honky because our people have no printable word for what the Europeans did and are doing to our people.


Why is Leonard Peltier in our jails?

If a Reservations is a Nation

Why is Leonard Peltier in our jails?

If our Indian Reservations around Indian Country are, as stated in each treaty of a Reservation, a Nation, as in Nation to Nation, why is this federal government holding him in a federal prison in the state of Florida?

If a battle broke out in Lake county Florida between the Mexican police and the natives of Florida would this government send me to a prison in Mexico City, because two of their intruders, that happen to be their police, were shot by someone from Florida?

It gets far worse, would this state and federal government allow that country to railroad me through their courts only because they want to send someone to jail, with or without true proof?

How would you feel if it did not happen to him or me, it happened to you?