

4 Reasons a Redskins Name Change Should Not Bother You

First a little more clean up on his article, "Redskin" is another oxymoron. We natives have always, are now and will always come in many different colors just like every other group of people. Even Africans in America and still in Africa come in different colors. Indians in India come in different colors.

The reason for the Washington football franchise mascot was because the owner made a nontraditional native employee dress in feathers for show and tell, thus the name stuck.


If you are a follower of my annoying ratings' (postings) you may remember that I touched on this subject in my posting in the about Religious Roundtable?

True traditionalist do not wear their regalia out in public, we wear your street clothing. Many time I have been asked to run, M/C or Head Veteran a gathering. The first thing I would ask would be, "Will you invite teachers, school children, boy scouts, girl scouts, brownies, cub scouts and parents?


Where do you suppose it is the best way to teach our culture and ceremonies?

I am please that this seems to be something picked up on my other gatherings.

I also push real hard for meetings. As many before the gatherings as possible.

At many of these meetings there is always someone asking the "you do not look like an Indian". No, I come in comfortable street clothing and carry regalia to pass around while explaining our beliefs. At many meetings there is always a smarty someone that insists we wear our costume. I even had this clown dressed in his costume walking around the room tripping over chairs and children, a little tipsy, at a Masonic temple. The only place to get a central meeting, demanding that I change into a costume? I do not ever want to look like him.

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are invited, with chaperons for the length of the gathering and are encouraged to learn our ways, with a chance to show off in the circle on Saturday and Sunday. They get to come to, join in on and eat for free and earn badges, with a catch. They must help with caring for the elderly, the venders with only one attendant for things like getting their food and so on and must attend each teaching about our culture with questions and badgers at the end of the gathering.


4 Reasons a Redskins Name Change Should Not Bother You

By Kevin Ewoldt on Feb 8, 9:11a

Have you ever been reading a good story and something happens so your mind starts to drift away from the story? You want to keep reading the story to its conclusion, but your mind has other ideas.

So, what do you do?

This article did this to me, it was will planned out, it was saying what I wanted to hear. However, I just could not get past the reason why I started reading it in the first place.

This is the reason why writing about Native Americans should be written by a Native American, or at the very least after proof reading by one of us.

The name Red Skin is in fact offensive and the reason as to how the name came about is even more offensive.

However the author (Kevin Ewlodt) shot himself in the foot even before starting to write with something even more insulting to me then everything else that he wrote and I am betting that he does not know of this insult?

What we natives wear when not in our street cloths and at our gatherings is not a COSTUME it is called a REGALIA!

I know that to a non traditionalist that this sounds tribunal and after going to powwows these last few years, I can see the why of this confusion!

A costume is warn by a clown in a carnival or circus and in the last few years our gatherings and powwows have been a joke, caravel and a circus however wrong is wrong!

Part number two will try to explain why this is wrong?

4 Reasons a Redskins Name Change Should Not Bother You
Hogs Haven

1/28/96: Performers dress in Native American Indian costumes during the pregame show before the Cowboys take on the Steelers prior to Super Bowl XXX at Sun Devil Stadium. - Getty Images. With the Redskins mascot name change being a hot topic


Why present tobacco to an elder?

Tobacco (Herbs) as a Traditional Native American Gift. http://mysmudgingblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/tobacco-as-traditional-native-american.html

Native American gifting tobacco (Herbs) to an elder?

Welcome to the visitor from Thunder Bay Ontario Canada

to my postings looking for information on why present tobacco to an elder?

Native American gifting tobacco to an elder?

How is tobacco wrapped when presenting to an elder

The answers out on the internet are long and most of them are human?

The question was asked by a person up north of the border and I am sure that many northern tribes will be answering.

In my tribal information, Tobacco (Kinnick, Kinnick), was the first plant gift from Creator (Grandfather).

Grandfather placed this gift with our mother, Mother Earth.

Many of our elders teach, lead ceremonies and events, so they use a lot of our tobacco.

One of our main teachings form our main teacher, Creator, was, is and will always be to teach.

From the first day that someone of our tribal members has a child, we are expected to be that child's teacher, no matter our age!

We are also expected to always respect our elders!

I laid the ground work so now to answer the question.

We gift tobacco to an elder because it is medicine and our elders are special people!

It is much easier for the young to pick and mix our tobacco (Kinnick, Kinick) then it is for many of our elders.

We wrap this gift in a red flower or cloth because this gift comes from our Creator by way of our mother, Mother Earth and her color is red.


Mohegan Peace Pipe.

Welcome to the visitor from Houston Texas

Looking for information about our

Mohegan Peace Pipe?

Sorry we do not have one.

However, we have always had a (Friendship Pipe Ceremony)?

You may be asking. "So what is the difference"?

Good question.

First a Peace pipe from what I have been reading, was or maybe still is, used by the Plains Indians. I believe that back in olden times it was used at the beginning of all of those Western Indian treaties that the Euro Americans and Plains Indians made. The ones that the government demanded that the Indians keep until the end of time. However, the government broke just as soon as it got what it wanted from the Indians?

A Friendship pipe is what the traditional American first people up and down the east coast use for any ceremony with new and old friends. If after a meal friends wished to enjoy a traditional prayer, it is usually started with the pipe.

After meetings a friendly pipe might be enjoyed for all wishing to join in.

Many times after a battle, if both sides come to an agreement they would settle on a spot and smoke that pipe, sometimes the head clan mothers, if they wished, would serve a snack.

Our Friendship ceremonies were many times also enjoyed by our females, something I understand was never done out west?

Some of those "western tribal people" that come over to “teach our people about the correct ways of their ancestors”, would walk away from our pipe ceremonies if women joined in.

Finding this out we would always invite a female or two into the prayer circle if a westerner showed.

Our people also have a (Sacred Pipe).

This pipe would be used in ceremonies like Births, Adoptions, Weddings, Grandmother, Grandfather, Funerals and the four seasons as we moved around from place to place.

Always remember that when a Traditional Elder from an Eastern Woodland Tribe speaks of Smoking the pipe, it is never with chemical tobacco, it is always with herbs called Kinnick, Kinnick.

No one has ever become addicted to Kinnick, Kinnick!


Welcome to a visitor to my website from the City of Phoenix Arizona

Sorry, this site was never, is never and will never be for sale, this site is about our first Chief Sachem my elders and all of our ancestors from the old Traditional Pequot/Mohegan Tribe.

One can never sell Mother Earth, their mother, or their family?

Domain:      sachem-uncas.com

Title:  sachem-uncas.com

Estimated Worth   $ 23,296.00.

Traffic Rank:         965,411
