
Veterans; No man/boy left behind

This is just another bit of proof that hundreds of good things happen every day around this country and the world.

Heroes are Heroes no matter where you may run into them!

Little play on words.

Michigan Marine Finishes 5 K Race With Boy Who Fell Behind

While running the Jeff Drench Memorial 5 K in Charlevoix, Michigan, Lance Cpl. Myles Kerr ran alongside a young boy, 9-year-old Boden Fuchs, encouraging him to finish the race.

(Seal of Honor/Facebook)


Thank you for serving Lance Corporal Myles Kerr and thank you for the running the Jeff Drench Memorial 5 K Boden Fuchs.





Native American Evil Spirits

First thing I wish to remind everyone of my followers is, "the only dumb question is the one that you think about and/or want answered to but you are afraid to ask, so you do not ask."

I want to keep reminding you of this because I want you to ask questions.

We were just talking about why I keep repeating myself with answers to questions.

I guess that I can answer a question, plus prove my point about Spirits and people needing to know.

Guess what came into my tracker 28 Jul, Sun, 02:16?

Native American Evil Spirits?

Welcome to the person from Evansville Indiana

looking for information about Native American Evil Spirits.

First thing we should clear up is a fact that Native Americans do not have a monopoly on spirits? I just wrote a posting about Spirits

Ghosts, Goblins and Spirits July 27, 2013

If you traveled to these postings, you should have seen my answers?
However, if not please keep asking until you understand?


Ghost, Gobbling and Spirits

Ghosts, Goblins  and Spirits, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sorry my friends but this is going to be a very long posting.

Before we get started on today's teaching I wish to remind you that I am not an expert in anything.

However, I have a secret.

After over 70 years of stumbling, bumbling and learning mostly the hard way, I have now been taking the easy road, so to speak.

Welcome to two more cities to my websites and blog looking for the truth about ghosts and spirits.

Once again I am getting far too many questions about Spirits, Why?

Mostly because now there are so many people with little or no knowledge about our Spirituality and are out teaching, many with another alternative, too take your money!

There are two main ways to do anything, the right way and the wrong way.

How to tell if you are doing things the right or the wrong way?

Is it working?

95% of the people answering to these questions have effectively taken Creator our of the equation!


Think about it for awhile, which spirit will thrive by the removal of the Supreme Being from any equation?

First things first, if you believe that you have a spirit or spirits around you, believe that praying for help from your Creator can handle any spirit, good or bad.

Now you know my secret.

No matter what your question or your answer is ALWAYS include prayer for Creators answer (never a charge), simple right?

City Martinsburg  West Virginia

How to purge evil spirits native American

8/2/11 Native American ceremony to fight evil spirits?

10/25/11 Does smudging get rid of good spirits also?

City Hanover  New Hampshire

Native American things to get rid of spirits

August 2, 2011 Native American ceremony to fight evil spirits?

October 6, 2011 How to counsel about a spirit communication?

September 18, 2012 They should never be alone

Some of the far too many quotes out on the internet telling you how to get rid of Ghost (Spirits).

“(One way the Native Americans used is a Sage ceremony.

Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out bad spirits, if they don't, turn to the exorcist, who will be able to remove the ghosts.

Be aware that things could get kind of freaky in a matter of seconds, as ghosts often don't realize that they are ghosts. WHAT?

What Crystals Can Help With Getting Rid of Negative Spirits? None if you don’t have an open heart and mind.

The easiest way to get rid of a ghost is to simply ask it to leave.

Use a firm voice?

Sometimes you may have to ask what the spirit wants?

Spirits once they come into your life they are very difficult if not impossible to get rid of.

Having them attached to you can only mean one thing!

The best way to get rid of ghosts is to ignore them.

The best way to get Sweet grass is to buy it at Native American retail outlets? What is a Native American retail outlet? Must be a new Strip Mall?

1.Bundle of dried white sage, 2.Bundle of dried cedar, 3.A braid of Sweet grass, 4.Stone or Earthen bowl, 5.Small amount of sand, 6.A large feather, 7.An open mind and heart, this helps the healing to come through in a clear way ?

I guess that you must buy this at a retail store?

The only thing that you really do need is the open mind and heart.)"

 " One must be cleansed of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits or negative energy, cleansed both physically and spiritually.

Native people use herbs to accomplish this.

One ceremony to burn certain herbs, "smudging." the three plants most frequently used in smudging are sage, cedar, and sweet grass.

" Sorry, wrong again, all you really need is Creator, everything else is a form of prayer that helps you block out everything except your prayer and why you are praying.


All ceremonies, tribal or private, must be entered into with a good heart so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm.


Washburn's Bold Plan to Fix Interior's Federal Recognition Process

We must learn to clear out the wannabe Indians however, recognize the true traditional native Americans?
Win some, lose some

Washburn's Bold Plan to Fix Interior's Federal Recognition Process

Gale Courey Toensing

June 28, 2013

"A draft proposal of far-reaching revisions to the Interior Department’s process for federal acknowledgment of Indian tribes is being hailed as the best thing to happen in decades to a system that’s been described as broken, long, expensive, burdensome, intrusive, unfair, arbitrary and capricious, less than transparent, unpredictable, and subject to undue political influence and manipulation."  



Blumenthal Stirs Opposition to Federal Recognition – Again

Gale Courey Toensing

July 19, 2013

Win one lost one?

There are no Eastern Pequot's however, there always was, is and will be a Schaghticoke Tribe.


"Blumenthal is perhaps best known in Indian country for his successful effort in 2005 to reverse the federal acknowledgment of the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation (EPTN) and the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation (STN), which were given Final Determinations in 2002 and 2004, respectively.

After a relentless and orchestrated campaign of opposition against the STN by local, state and federal elected officials led by Blumenthal and an anti-Indian sovereignty group and its powerful White house-connected lobbyist, Barbour Griffith & Rogers (BGR), the BIA in an unprecedented move issued Reconsidered Final Determinations and took away both tribes’ federal acknowledgment. (Related story: Judge denies Schaghticoke federal recognition appeal)"



Mohiigan's came from the Bering strait bridge and Iceland

I have written about this subject a few times however, as time goes by this seems to get lost in all of the fog from new writers looking to change our past?

Our ancestors would not allow small changes in our culture like our word Squarw, beautiful one, changed to Squaw, pigs, by Europeans.

We, the true Traditionalist should not allow small changes like our real name and very large changes like Shechaim chief, Head Clan Mother, warrior for European words like president, counselor, committee, chairman? Let's not forget, Adoption for blood quotes, Village to reservation (jail)!

The story of Shechaim Uncas and the Mohiigan people, the native name of (Mohiingans) the sources for some of this information was handed down by my Grandfather and other Elders and some was from other sources like while writing that book report in high school.

All of these teachings by my Mohiigan Elders, took place at our monthly meetings, while I was growing up in and around Uncasvillage, New England.

As computers, telephones or libraries did not exist in the time of Shechaim Uncas, it would be nearly impossible to say that there is any source about him that is perfect.

That said, It is very disturbing to me and my family and for that matter all traditionalist, to read all of the so called true stories about not only Shechaim Uncas, but the Mohegan people as well, written by those who are neither Mohiigan, most not even Native.

How can one be an expert without living the life?

Uncas the first Shechaim of the Mohiingans People was a descendant of Royal Pequot Blood, really also from the true name of (Mohiingans).

His mother was Mekunump and his father was Oweneco, they were both Pequot's.

Uncas was born near what is today Norwichtown, the historical Pequot Village in Connecticut in 1588-1683/84.

Europeans like the Vikings came from the east over Iceland, Greenland, Canada and down into our tribe. Little is known about those visitors except they seem to have been friendly towards our people.

Most people believe that American Natives (our people) chased their food source, mainly the Woolly Mammoth, through the Bering Straits Land Bridge and that our people then came across and down into what are now the Great Lakes and the Hudson River Valley.

Our English name became known as the Monheags

One of these groups of people became farmers (called land diggers, my people), however, most of the tribes in that area were warring tribes which over time, forced this group of Monheag (Mohiingans) People East.

After some time and many forced movements, this group of Monheags ended up along the Quinatucquet River, which later became known as the Connecticut River in what is now Connecticut and on to the Pequot (Thames) river area, just short of the ocean.

The many years of battles and losing their farms, taught this tribe how to fight, so that when the Mashantuckets, Missituks, Niantic’s came to fight and to destroy them and take their farms, as the Mohawks, Mohicans and others had so long ago, the Monheags were ready for them, waging war first on them, then the Dutch and then the French.

After this, the Dutch called them the Pequins (destroyers), later the French changed their name to Pequods and the English changed it to Pequot’s.

When the English showed up on the Quinatucquet and Pequot Rivers, Shechaim Wopigwooit was the leader of the tribe.

After his passing, the next in line was Sassacus as leader, instead of Chief Poquiam (Unkas, Uncas). Shechaim Sassacus was hoping that he would force the English back into the ocean so the people sided with him.

Sassacus like the Niantic’s and the Narragansett’s hated the English and was at war with them constantly.

War chief Poquiam (Unkas), Sassacus son in law, tried to reason with Sassacus and the people, but they would not listen to him.

So he (chief Poquiam) took all who wished to go with him, across the Pequot River, to the Cauchegan Village, gave them back their old name Mohiingans (Monheags) and became their Shechaim. Once again with non natives, the English misspelled the name and we now have the name Mohegan's. All of those still proud of your ancestors, I vote to take back our original name once and for all?