
Will Someone Die in a New Age Sweat Lodge this Week-end?

Paying to Pray?

 Please be sure to read both links on this posting?

The mega insult to indigenous people's around the world and just another reason why Sacred Ceremonies should only be acknowledged by true traditional qualified Spiritual Elders!

If you wish to do a sweat, get correctly qualified, you want to go to a sweat, ask an elder.

How and why our people living throughout Indian country allowed non natives to do a sweat, or any other sacred ceremony, is beyond me?

Of course I cannot get over the meek intolerance of native elders allowing all of our ceremonies to be watered down and 'performed' as in a sideshow, by others?

A naming ceremony has been the biggest joke on our people for over 15 years now and allowed to continue?

This is the reason why every true traditional ancestor from every tribe throughout Indian country  would never allow recording of ceremonies and sacred regalia, it keeps all phonies at bay while it is  in materialization?

Thank you to my visitor from New Hampshire for your question

Will Someone Die in a New Age Sweat Lodge this Week-end?

from a well written posting on

Thursday, June 19, 2008

As you my friends can attest to, I have been complaining since long before receiving my first computer in 1995 about religions holding our ceremonies, this is just another reason why?

A sweat is not only for our people, please come and enjoy a sweat, NO CHARGE!

All you need do is sit and learn about a sweat, why we do a sweat and know to be respectful of our beliefs?


Natives Circle of life

Welcome to the visitor from the city of Poplar Bluff Missouri

To my old native site

Circle of life Native American Belief

Two more sites both still active if you are looking for more information?

The circle of life is a no brainer from the beginning of time.

All one had to do was watch nature?

Everything started and everything will end.

Reel Injun

An article written by non native Writer Bill Kaiser and Writer non native Vera Marie Badertscher about old films?

How Filmmakers See Native Americans in 4000 Films

Filmed in Canada about the old west?

As usual nothing included about the far East?

“Reel Injun,” Neil Diamond, a Cree, shows clips of some of the 4,000 films that focus on the indigenous people of North America. He also interviews a wide range of directors, actors and critics, both Indian and non-Indian. Examples include filmmakers Jim Jarmusch (“Dead Man”), Clint Eastwood,  and Chris Eyre (“Smoke Signals”), and Native actors Graham Greene (“Dances With Wolves,” “Thunderheart”) and Adam Beach (“Smoke Signals,” Clint Eastwood’s “Flags of our Fathers“).

Mr. Neil Diamound a great singer, good film maker did do a good job with this piece with what he had to work with. His work shows a few natives, a few non natives playing natives and the native butcher, John Wayne, killing and abusing natives.

Sacheen Littlefeather the model who achieved fame in 1973 when she stood in for Marlon Brando in refusing his Oscar for “The Godfather” as a show of solidarity with American Indians.

Not sure what the name Sacheen is however, a few personal visits in the 60s and again in the early 70s with a shipmate to the White Mountain Apache people found that their leaders are called Chiefs?

Littlefeather was born in Salinas, California.

Her ancestry is Apache, Yaqui, Pueblo, and European.

If you have never even walked a minute in my hero, Mr. John Trudell's moccasins, you have no right to even think about slandering him!

Thanks to this European government he has lost everything including family because he dared to stick up for your native ancestors rights.

John Trudell



Why just New England

Welcome to the town of Huntington on Long Island

To one of my websites

Asking why do I just talk about New England when teaching about our ancestors?

I stand corrected.

Thank you for your great question.

You are correct when you pointed out that New York and parts of North East Canada should be included in my teaching.

Sometimes the most obvious questions are overlooked by a teacher and it takes an inquiring mind to get to that question/answer.

My only defense would be, while growing up around tribal monthly meetings, each time a speaker included New York into a speech about New England, an elder from our neighboring state took great pride in stating that New York is not a part of New England.

To a child growing up around so many terrific teachers (elders) from so many different parts of our past from our ancestors, it made very little sense not including them all?

However. not knowing that it was just a friendly game of teasing among friends and family while at those meetings I did not question at the time.

It is a ‘respect your elders thing that I do need to get over’, sorry.

It is hard to believe sometimes that our ancestors traveled and did so often.

Traveling the powwow trail one will meet members of the Mohiigan (Pequot/Mohegan) tribe of mixed bloods cast out by this government from Northeast Canada to the tip of Florida and out to the Mississippi river.

Our last visit to the Keys watching the sunset inches from the end of Florida, we met a few of those brothers playing cards and enjoying life in the sunshine state.

In the great state New York and for sure your Long Island, there are many decedents from the ancestors (Mohiigan) tribe.

I often state 'New England' because once you leave our area tribal ceremonies do change.

In the New England/New York/Canada area, I have been too many ceremonies that faithfully following our ancestors traditions, my new friend.


Wiccans and Native Americans cast spells alike

Welcome to the person from the city of Williston Vermont

To one of my old out of use since 2008 tripod website looking for help with,

"Wiccans and Native Americans cast spells alike would there be anything Rastafarians do that's similar?" "I was hoping I could go along and try something for a friend that's being controlled by a spirit."

1st, Rastafarians is a way of speaking English Jamaican Creole style, beautiful language  far from evil.

People in what you are calling Wiccan may or may not cast spills, none of my business however, comparing Wicca to Native American Spirituality is like comparing the taste of Oranges to the taste of Apples, not even close?

I do believe that a person can be controlled by a spirit only because of the fact that there are two gods in the world today.

Some religions believe in many gods.

One is a Supreme Being we call by many names, Grandfather, Great Spirit and Creator are just a few.

The other god was created by our Grandfather Creator.

There are many spirits in this world and unfortunately some are what you are calling bad spirits sent by this meager little creation.

If you do have a spirit on a visit with you from Grandfather, count your blessing.

If however, you have a so called bad spirit visiting with you it is only because you allowed this spirit to visit, just tell it to leave?

There has never been, is not now and will never be a human that can cast a spill into or out of anything without the permission of the Creator of creation, so stop believing a lie?