
Respect your elders?

The first thing to remember, while reading the papers, listen to the radio, going to the movies or watch Television is the disregard for elders by many of our young day!

One big reason started slowly long, long ago when generation's first stopped respecting our elders and we the elders allowed this to happen!

So, what to do about this?

Native Americans honor your elders at celebrations.

What a great idea, Respect our elders?

When you hear or read about an elder saying that we must get back to the old ways, they are not asking you to do away with anything, just learn how they lived before this extremely fast moving lifestyle.

Start today, stop, sit and listen to an elder speak about life as they were growing up around their elders.

Let us remember all of our elders, native and non natives if not for elders we would not be here.

If not for the teaching of our elders, we would still be hiding in trees from our predator.

Native Americans to honor elders at celebration
The Elders dance at Hecker Pass in Santa Clara County on the 26th Celebration.
What a great idea, Respect our elders?
Let us remember all of our elders, native and non natives, this and every weekend for the rest of the year.

If you have a question or comment

just click on the comment just below this blog,
Sachem will be pleased to get back to you.

How to fly the American Flag?

Flag day is coming, do you know how to fly the Flag?

June 14, 2011 is flag day, it is time to brush up on our Flag Protocol once again.

American Flag Protocol.

Rules for Display of the American Flag, Display Outdoors

Please remember, our veterans from before this country was born, are watching us, to see how we show our understanding as to why they took time from their busy short lives, to assure that this country's citizens, past, present and future, may live free, will you take a few minutes out of your busy life to re read their United States of America Flag Protocol and correct flag code?

As a long time Head Veteran at many gatherings, powwow's and Paw~paus it was always with pride watching while our veterans enjoyed walking into a circle with the Stars and Stripes

"No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America." Section 8

"The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."

Download the United States Code


Native American pipe ceremony, Traditional

What is our pipe ceremony?
The ceremonial use of the pipe is a simple ritual.
The Friendship pipe is loaded with native tobacco of the New England Area Tribes called Kinnick - Kinnick, a mixture of commonly found herbs.
While it may still be true after everything that has happen to the Red Man in our past by Europeans and Hollywood, some of the western tribes might still make a Peace pipe.
We do not!
Calumet (Pipestone) peace pipes are Plains Indian pipes!
INDIAN CALUMET: The Pipe of Peace
By Christopher Nyerges
We do however make a friendship pipe.
We also make our own type of sacred pipe.
We have been to Pipestone.
Pipestone National Monument.
However, as a Traditional Eastern Woodland American Native, I never touched the stone until after leaving when gifted.
I would be a little beside myself if the people from the great nation of the Split Rock Creek Dakota came to my prayer rock
and started mining, of course as traditionalist they never would.
No form of mind-altering substance is condoned by American Natives traditionalists. We do not need or use hallucinating substances.
The pipe ceremony begins with herbs, a natural substance, into a pipe and then acknowledging the four directions.
Mother Earth, point stem towards earth, and Father Sky; point stem towards the sky, it culminates with the final offering to the Great Spirit.
The pipe is held firmly by the bowl in the palm of the hand with the stem pointed outward. The last step of the pipe offering is the holding up of the pipe with its stem pointed straight upward, out into the center of the universe. Although we admit that Creator is everywhere, in ceremony it is easier to think of Creator as above.
A preference is starting in the east, because the sun rises in the east, and it is the beginning of a new day for each of us.
The following description begins with an east-facing celebrant, besides this is how we have been taught by each and every one of my elders, while teaching me that Creator always arrives from the east at our gatherings, good enough for my ancestors good enough for me!
The pipe holder stands to face the east, holding the pipe with its stem pointed eastward in one hand, a pinch of herbs ( Kinnick, Kinnick ) in the other, and sprinkles some herbs on the ground before inserting the herbs in the bowl of the pipe.
By sprinkling a portion on the ground, the pipe holder is acknowledging that we must always give back to Mother Earth the first part of what we have taken.
The sprinkling also demonstrates to the on looking spirit world that a portion of the herbs is for the powers from the east.
The pipe holder may ask the on lookers, please also face east while the pipe is loaded in such a manner.
Red is the east; It is where the daybreak star, the star of knowledge appears.
Red is the rising sun bringing us a new day we thank you, Great Spirit, for each new day that we are allowed to live upon Mother Earth.
From knowledge springs wisdom and goodness and we are thankful, for the morning sun that rises in the east.
Knowledge shall become the beginning of peace throughout this world.
The pipe holder turns to the south and points the pipe stem in that direction. A new pinch of herbs is held slightly above eye level in a southerly direction, on lookers should be also facing south.
The south is yellow. Mother Earth gives us growth, gives us all that sustains us, and herbs that heal us.
She brings forth the bounty of warm south wind and the yellow so that we think of strength, growth and physical healing and a time for planting.
Another pinch of herbs is put into the pipe bowl.
The pipe holder and all on lookers then face west.
Black is the color of the west where the sun goes down.
Black is darkness, release, spirit protection.
In the darkness, the spirit beings come to us.
The spirit beings warn us and protect us.
Black is the water; the life-giving rains come from the west,
where the thunder beings live Water is life.
Black stands for the spirit world where we shall all enter someday.
What we do or do not do upon this earth, we shall carry with us over into that spirit world.
We shall all join together and either be ashamed or proud of how we treated one another, how we respected or disrespected our Mother Earth,
How we respected or disrespected all living things made by the Great Creator.
We will see each other and know each other in the spirit world. Those we have harmed will remind us for eternity. The west is where our spiritual wisdom comes from
If we care to seek it.
The pipe holder sprinkles some herbs upon Mother Earth and puts some herbs into the pipe bowl.
Every time the pipe holder faces a direction, all onlookers face that direction and listen to the speakers words intently.
The last of the four directions is the north.
White is for the north power strength, endurance, purity, truth stands for the north.
The north covers our Mother Earth with the white blanket of cleansing snow the snow prevents many sicknesses.
Courage and endurance these strengths we seek and wish to be blessed with as we stand here facing north.
The herbs is sprinkled to the north and then inserted into the bowl.
Green is the color for Mother Earth
every particle of us comes from her through the food we take from her daily.
We all start out as tiny seeds we have grown to our present state and status through what she provides she is truly our mother and must be acknowledged and respected.
Kinnick~Kinnick is sprinkled upon Mother Earth and the pipe is loaded.
The pipe is then pointed at an angle to the sky. We usually point our pipe towards the sun; if it is evening, we point it towards the moon, to acknowledge Father Sky.
Father Sky gives us energy from the sun.
Father Sky provides the fire that
Fuels our homes and our lodges
And the energy that moves our bodies.
Father Sky has daily communion with our mother.
Together, they are our true parents.
Some herbs is sprinkled on the ground, and the major portion is loaded into the pipe.
The pipe receives a portion` of Kinnick~Kinnick one last time, and then the pipe is held almost straight up into the sky.
Great Spirit, Creator of us all Creator of the four directions,
Creator of our Mother Earth and Father Sky and all things, we offer this pipe.
If there is still some unburned herbs remaining in the bowl after the pipe has made its journey around the circle, the ashes will be cleaned from the pipe and sprinkled upon Mother Earth. The pipe ceremony is then finished.
A pipe is never lit or loaded indoors;
a pipe is loaded and lit outside then brought in.
A Tribal mother will usually serve as acceptor for the Kinnick~Kinnick that is normally sprinkled on Mother Earth.
The woman will take the herbs offered to the four directions, Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the Great Spirit outside at some later time and sprinkle the herbs upon the earth.
My grandfather~ Sachem Chief Tallfox’s (Mgisse) friendship pipe, was awakened for him by his grandfather (Ahtchwechteed) William Thomas Storey married to Mary Tracy fielding in 1859, the pipe was blessed by Creator in 1898 at their eastern paw paus that summer!
How did native Americans clean peace pipes?
If this is at an Eastern Woodland American Native Ceremony, the pipe is never cleaned as a European would clean a pipe, a pipe keeper will either take the pipe out or pass it to a trusted student of the pipe, to Mother Earth and by way of our sacred ceremony, give the tobacco (Kinnick~ Kinnick) back to her, Mother Earth.

We have Friendship and Sacred pipes!

Walkingfox great, great grandfather's friendship pipe awakened by his grandfather.

A Native American (Indian) Soaugi (Funeral).

What is the significance of using tobacco in our funerals?

is used to
open our hearts to Creator.
For permission to have the ceremony.
To ask Creator to accept this person.

Also please read

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Traditional Native American (Indian) Burial Information

The Eastern Woodland American Native Memorial service.

As stated while writing about Ceremonies, a memorial service (Soaugi) is not a ceremony as such.

There are well-over 500 tribe's still in Indian Country however, as with these ceremonies, they all have some type of funeral arrangement.

Our memorial service is not like most of the funerals that I have attended throughout the years.

That is not saying anything, good or bad, about any service.

If you care about and you tend to your loved ones, it is good.

This service is in two parts, not counting any religious service that may take place before ours.

As a Spiritual leader, asked to care for the loved one, it is preferred to allow any other religion first, to help avoid any chance adding to the family's grief.

The first part of our Soaugi will be with all that wish to attend, recording is allowed.

The friendship pipe is passed around, after some short prayers with the loved one.

Not sure that everyone knows, you do not have to smoke or even put the pipe to your lips, if you wish just hold the pipe in your right hand and touch some part of the pipe with your left hand
(you may or may not wish to  know that the left hand is closest to your heart),
pray if you wish and pass to the next in line.

If you are not sure if you can or should stay for the complete service, please rethink this, our loved ones while on the road with the ancestors to see Creator, are praying on that trip for your health and your future.

Very important, the 2nd part of the Soaugi is in around our loved one, allow room for those that wish to join in with the Spiritual leader around the area and be respectful.

 No recording.

This answer is for you Jack (Aquine)

Native American mourning beliefs

Questions are also being asked as to mourning of a crossing loved one.

The people in our area will love and miss our loved ones, elders, and ancestors, until we cross to be with them however, the traditionalist of my people know that Creator has called them home for a good reason, so we must 

be pleased for their good fortune while we grieve.

Yes, all birds of prey are our brothers and sisters and are buried with the same love and ceremonies.

If you have a question or comment

just click on the comment just below this blog,

Shechaim  will be pleased to get back to you.



Native American Wedding Ceremony (Traditional)

Do you offer tobacco at a Native American wedding?
A good Traditional Spiritual Leader uses a lot of tobacco
(Kinnick ~ Kinnick)
Charges you nothing for the service.
So yes, a good traditional spiritual leader is always in need of the herbs
(Kinnick ~ Kinnick).
One should also remember that a tobacco gift given the correct way is a
Prayer for a blessing to the person receiving your gift, so you can gift this
herb anytime that you feel the need to.
Because a traditional Native American is always giving out this herb.
Receiving this herb is a blessing to the pocket.
Our gift given tobacco is
Kinnick~ Kinnick!


Shechaim Walkingfox with Tah, after wedding ceremony

American Native Wedding Family

Words from a Native American wedding ceremony?
At a time when the couple is ready and the wedding party is set around the prayer alter each in turn may exchange their love and vowels to each other, the female has the choice as to who will start first.
The Spiritual leader performing the blessed event, in our tribe, will first speak to Creator in our tongue, then English for each section of the wedding ceremony.
The words chosen by the couple with the acceptance are not as important as the words by the couple and the tribal sacred words from the Spiritual leader to the couple and Creator, what the words are of course is a very guarded secret sacred ceremony.
The Eastern Woodland American Native Wedding Ceremony, this must be said because this is only speaking about our people.
There are still over 500 tribes in Indian Country
That have permission to be recognized and at least as many that the government is still trying to eliminate by not recognizing.
There are about 500 ways they may have to their native weddings; I have been to many of them.
Our wedding ceremony, a Traditional Wedding, should be something like many of the others however; it is not like the Funeral ceremony, because the public may enjoy the complete ceremony with the permission of the couple.
The beginning and ending prayer, like most sacred prayers should never be recorded, this is the leader and the couples request for marriage to Creator and thanks to Creator after the ceremony.
The prayer can be filmed just not the words. Only the Spiritual leader and the couple need the Creators blessing at the beginning, Creator at the end of the ceremony will bless everyone.
If you are being groomed for our ceremony please understand, this can take from a few days to at least a month.
By studying correctly you will knowing that you will be blessed, remember; only Creator can bless!
Someone, in the favor with the couple, should gift a blanket; this person must also attend at least some of the pre ceremony.
Everyone gifting at the time of and with the permission of the Spiritual leader and the couple should attend at least some of the pre ceremony.
Sometimes the families and/or friends wish to gift a Turtle Rattle, Regalia, Headpiece, Sage, Sweet grass, and/or Tobacco for the ceremony.
As with the funeral ceremony, both families can asked to help with the meal after.
Anyone asked to, can join in the meal and whatever plans after the wedding.
Native American pre marriage ceremonies
The pre marriage meetings for our people is not a requirement for marriage, it is a request from the spiritual leader.
At this meeting the couple and any member of the soon to be wedding, will learn everything that will take place on that blessed day, the couple and any person directly involved will then know what is expected of them by Creator during the wedding.
The couple will learn where to stand and why, will learn about the regalia and why it is used and all of the sacred blessings from Creator through your ancestors.
That said, please remember, whatever happens during the wedding will not be judged, after all it is a fun, loving, first day for the rest of your lives.