
Denver, Colorado

Welcome to Denver, Colorado

You seem to be a regular at one of our discontinued sites?

Starting in 1982, our sites are for your reading.


All of our sites are free to read.
Therefore, we must use free websites and blogs.

Please allow an explanation for this poor up keep of this site?

(What to learn from this site)

Has been discontinued ever since Century link phone company

took over Embarq phone company!

 Take over by bigger companies
looking to save money
as been happening since 1982.

As per order from my elders, ancestors and Creator,
our sites are free for the reading.

As many of our long time followers will attest to,
a number of visitors have mistaken

(Free to Read).
(Free to take as their own work).


Our responsibility
is to our elders
now ancestors
the obedience to Creator.


California condor Recovery

California condor 

We watched this program on T.V. today.

California Condor Recovery Program on ABC's Sea Rescue

Here's a clip from the Nov. 4, 2017 episode of ABC's Sea Rescue, which showed what happened after two California condors were found with dangerously high levels of toxic lead in their systems, and were rushed to the Los Angeles Zoo for treatment!

This rescue brings me back to our first few years
sharing states
Native Culture not so many years ago.

I had the honor of showing off Native American Country and our culture.

She had the right to show off her Indian Country culture.

We are both still learning.

Indian Country and the United States of America
prize the Eagle as the top bird as well we should!
(It is the Indians messenger to Creator)!

over on the east coast
also love and respect the Eagle.
Both Bald 

Golden Eagle.
We also respect
Birds Of Prey
as our helpers from Creator,
each one has a job from
Creator helping the Human Animal!
Please see Birds on word press?


("Stick game of war"), Sbegadwe

Welcome La Crosse, Wisconsin
Not sure if you know your history over in Wisconsin?

However, it had an impact from our people being forcibly removed for fear of annulations from the Euro-Americans.

Our people were playing the game of Lacrosse for ever.

Our people were playing the game of Lacrosse for ever.

("Stick game of war"), Sbegadwe.

Welcome to our visitor from La Crosse, Wisconsin


A posting about pollution of our rivers, lakes and aquifers

St. Johns River/Everglades/Black hills/Sinkholes


Sad how our waterways throughout Mother Earth ((Native American Country), are being ignored because of money and the greedy people hording it!

Lacrosse has its origins in a tribal game played by eastern Woodlands Native Americans and by some Plains Indians tribes in what is now the United States of America and Canada. The game was extensively modified by European immigrants to North America to create its current collegiate and professional form.


Welcome to Las Vegas, Nevada

Welcome to the Las Vegas, Nevada visitor
Our main website
The index
And again at
We created a blog post answer site
Aquai Aquine Blog
To help answer your questions
about our people over
on the East coast of
Native American Country.


Welcome to Derry, New Hampshire

Welcome to our visitor from Derry, New Hampshire

To one of our smudging postings.
Does smudging get rid of good spirits also?
The short of this is, if you are looking for the truth? 
Smudging, unless you are talking about East of the Mississippi river, is anyone lighting something dry enough to smoke and smoke whatever you wish to be smoked.
Smudging as with our ancestors East of the Mississippi river, was with Kinnick-Kinnick
(a group of Sacred Herbs chosen and picked under the direction of the Head Clan Mother).
And never burned in any of our ceremonies.
Smudging by today's (Indians) in your area is more than likely done however and by whomever?
Someone that relocated from West of the Mississippi river from one of their tribes.
I know your area very well although I have not been back for some time now.
Up until my retirement 2004, I had been going to gathering around your area since the age of six (over 70 years ago).
All of the ceremonies from the teaching of our ancestors East of the Mississippi river, are a type of prayer, as in talking, dancing, singing and drumming with Creator.