
Abenaki Indian Squaw

Abenaki Indian Squaw
Welcome to Cori Lazio Italy
Looking for information about Abenaki Indian Squaw, ended up on my blogger, Matriarch in our Indigenous tribe and helped yourself to the free for the taking Two Wolfs story?

Traditional smudging mixtures

Welcome to the visitor from East Haddam Connecticut
Traditional smudging mixtures
Because you ended up on a Native American site one must assume that you are interested in herbs for a Native American ceremony?
Looking for information about the herbs (Kinnick Kinnick) used in smudging.
Native American pipe ceremony, Traditional
A few other sites that may be helpful to you?
However, living in the land of Sachem Uncas, Uncasvillage , one only needs to walk around your neighborhood and pick up herbs for your own mixture, making sure that the herbs are safe for you to use?


What is a Squarw Sachem and how many Squaw Sachems are in a tribe

Welcome to Old Town Maine

The land of my Penobscot uncle, Uncle Russ (Rolling Thunder), looking for information about what is a Squaw Sachem and how many Squaw Sachems are in a tribe?

I would like to start out with a spelling correction (still teaching) Squaw is a European word meant to insult our females, our spelling, tribes that are of a Matriarch society, is Squarw, this is an honor like, placing one up on a pedestal of tremendous respect!

How many Squarw Sachems are in a tribe? Our people have, to my knowledge, one in our past, Squarw Sachem Cooper! I believe that the Seekonk Wampanoag tribe also had one?

Penobscot Nettie Smith would not be considered a Squarw Sachem now, however, back in her time the tribe was still a Matriarch society. So she really is!

What is a Squarw Sachem?

As in our past, if a Sachem in a Matriarch society, for some reason crosses (Deceased) and has no son with the knowledge, the oldest clan mother, with the knowledge, would become the Sachem, her son would then become Sachem when she crosses.

Squarw Sachem Cooper (Mohegan) was just adopted (Clan Mother) and was therefore the (oldest) or best qualified.


Hindu beliefs never made it to America?

Welcome to Bucheon Kyonggi-do Korea
To my blogger posting

Looking for information as to why Hindu beliefs never made it to America?
Hindu beliefs in Native America?
Thank you for a chance to update the old posting.
I start with the same statement
"No disrespect to the Hinduism religion, nor to its people around the world".
I am also pleased to have since my last posting learned that because of hotels, motels and Inns the likes of Drury Inn & Suites and La Quinta Inns and Suites I can go to meetings, schools and roundtable events with no worry about if my pets are going to be safe while I am teaching.
For about the same price as the Red Roof Inn Motel 6 or so many like them
Pets are more than welcome and at no charge, plus we get breakfast and dinner at the Drury and breakfast at La Quinta and if I am not too tired we get to go for a swim.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi. What is the moral philosophy behind this assertion?



Ceremony to become a native man?

Welcome to Columbus Ohio
While looking for information about a name of the ceremony Native Americans did to become a man?
Indian country had well over Five thousand tribes before first contact and each had their culture and ceremonies, many ceremonies were basically the same because all were a form of prayer to and from Creator.
Remembering that (Religion in Indian country) was Fear (Love and Obey) Creator!
Some tribes send their young man into the wilderness for a period of time to learn about Mother Nature before becoming a man.
As a Native American of the east coast, I look at this question as the old Hollywood black and white films with an Italian dressed as an Indian Medicine man dancing around with a teenage boy that just came back from battle as some kind of a hero?
I use an Italian simple because film directors back then used dark skinned Italians in movies as Indians?
They could not find a Native American?
In my Native American Tribes we use real Traditional American Natives!
Gwaitoko (boy to man ceremony)
As boring as this answer is going to be the truth is that as soon as a boy in the culture in our tribe turns thirteen, a Four Corner ceremony in a sacred circle and they are excepted to be a man.

By the way, if you are seeing a Medicine man other than by accident, he is not a Native American Medicine man from an East coast tribe, this goes against Creators blessings! Ceremony to become a native man?