
Comparing Hamas to the Shawnee leader Tecumseh?

Writing on Mondoweiss, New Yorker Nima Shirazi compared Hamas to the "Shawnee leader Tecumseh, who dared resist the ongoing white settlement, genocide and ethnic cleansing of Native Americans."
How can we ever get it right when it is written by a Euro~ American or in this case none of the above?
Tecumseh was a leader of a nation that was being assimilated by a Euro~ American nation!
The Hamas are a group of people that took over a nation of people who’s name was changed by a Roman conquering nation that adsorbed Israeli!
It seems that even the Egyptian's recognizes Israel as a people at least back as far as 1200 BC!
After many wars the Roman Empire captured Jerusalem in 66 BC and it was absorbed into the Roman empire. In 1 BC a series of revolts against the Romans led to the forced dispersal of much of the Jewish population from Jerusalem and Judea, Jerusalem being renamed Aelia Capitolina and Judea province renamed Syria Palestina by the Roman Empire, this however, did not happen from any Arabian war and as stated it was much of not all of that country! In other words many Israelites stayed behind, that makes them native to the land!
So Hamas ( Palestine) should be compared the American war machine a conquering nation and Israeli to Chief Tecumseh!
A Special Place in Hell
by Bradley Burston
Thanksgiving at the end of a war between natives, Gaza and Israeli
At this time I think a little wise sense of humor would be in order.
Tecumseh and the General while sitting on a log discussing the Indians next move out west, Tecumseh kept sliding over on the log toward the General and saying "move over".
This was repeated until finally the General was at the end of the log and Tecumseh gave him a shove and said once more "move over". The General replied " I can't, I am at the end of the log".
Tecumseh then said wisely to him, "now you know how it is for my people".
How many more times should the western countries allow the Arabian countries to tell Israeli to move over before Israeli pushes back and takes back the log?

Anyone here Native American?

Welcome Saratoga Springs New York
Looking for information about
Native American Warlock 2012
To my postings
Native American Occult.
While checking back on my tracker I also found
Muddy Waters
Anyone here Native American?
what are the sweat lodges I always hear about
What is an Eastern Woodland Sweat?


I welcome all question and Thank you for this one.

Before we get to the answer, I remind everyone that the only thing that I am an expert at is, remembering the things that were drilled into my head by my ancestor!
One must also remember that even now after First Contact, Rat Poison, and Small Pox (another posting coming soon) there are still over five thousand tribes around Indian Country, some recognized by this government some are not!
This question is about Smudging .
Grandmother Tribal Elder Virginia Graverette Pigeon is a great teacher, I would be please to get to know her, she follows her ancestors knowledge, culture and ceremonies. Her people are in central country, mine are in eastern country.
As with the many tribes, there are many ways of remembering our culture and ceremonies, as she teaches, there is no wrong way to smudge, and as my ancestors like to say, "Smudging is another way to Pray"!
Her statement right at the beginning
"Some people follow the Traditional Way and some follow the Christian Way and that one way respects the aspects of both ways. Both know one God".
I am one of those believers in both ways!
Smoked the Pipe of Peace, our people call it a Friendship Pipe.
Remember that as with my people, tobacco was and still is grown in and around our land however, it was never treated with chemicals we mix it as one of the Herbs called Kinnick, Kinnick!
The four sacred herbs, tobacco, sweet grass, sage, and cedar.
We did not know about sage or sweet grass until my grandfather (Sachem Tallfox) made one of his many trips out west in the 1930's.
We now include, with permission, each along with our Kinnick, Kinnick.
Sachem discussed our Kinnick, Kinnick and their herbs with their elder, both agreed the use of all of them would be acceptable in prayers.
Smudge the room
The smudges around the room depends with the tribes own beliefs. For example, the original traditional people like the Creek, Pequot's, Mohegan's up and down the east coast, dance and walk counted clock way, the occult up and down the east coast dance and walk clock ways, it all depends on the group of people however, the East is where everything in Indian country always starts. We make sure that everything being smudged is taught as a prayer, everything smudged is blessed by Creator.

God is in charge!

High Court may take up prayer at meetings.
Many times in my life I have been so distort when hearing how trickster, some of you call the Devil, has sent his slaves to try to disprove and destroy the word of our Creator (GOD)!
Each time while in prayer, my maker has to remind me about the reason and the need for this turmoil as stated many time throughout the word. (BIBLE)!
The trickster ( Satan) was made just like all of the angles by our Creator only to complete the good book. (some angels as planned are now demons).
I thank our Creator (GOD) for showing us the truth in the word (BIBLE)!
As stated in the last book before our Creator takes us home, workers for the one that was also created, are working overtime to steal as many of us as they can just before we go home to a much better place!
How can a creation ever be an accuser over its Creator?
Trickster, keep up your works so that we, the children of our Creator can watch and pray because we all have the tickets, to be redeemed at the pearly gates soon!
Come LORD Come!


My Thanksgiving prayer

Sandy has come and gone, time for a better plan of attack!
I hate to rain on anyone's parade, so I have not blogged about this fact, until now!
Mother earth in her infinite wisdom built land along our shores from Nova Scotia to Miami in places as a buffer against Mother Nature.
Although Native Americans traveled this area to hunt and fish they never disturbed this buffer, trees, rocks and boulders except as needed. They build their villages on the main land.
Mankind in his infinite wisdom, remover this natural buffer and replaced it with cement and black top sprinkled with buildings so, each time Mother Nature gets bored and decides to ruffle a few feathers around Mother Earth, her wind blow and water flow will inward with little resistance.
My people along the coast of Connecticut have long praise Mother Earth for our buffer (Long Island), it is still somewhat of a buffer, even with a few of those cement, black top roads and buildings!
While the people in this country hurry to help feed, clothe and rebuild, maybe we can also look for ways, as did Mother Earth, to also once again re place that buffer one way or another and make ready for a return that will surely come from Mother Nature?