
How to get adopted into a Native American tribe?

OK yes a little upset, sorry.

I have answered this question a number of times in the past however, this time it was asked on a yahoo site and the 'BEST' answers worried me, because they must have been answered by some very young "Indians"?

First thing to settle this question would be to ask your Lenni Lenape neighbors, they are a very friendly group of people?

A traditional Adoption ceremony into a traditional tribe of my people, as a full member of that tribe, had been a normal occurrence by most traditional American Natives up and down the east coast long before and for some time after first contact!

Only after the government controlled casino Indians did this change however, just because some of the newer Indians claim a non adoption it has and will never have an effect on our traditional people!

I have no interest and no intention of telling these new age government Indians or any other tribal people for that matter, how to do their ceremonies or culture and I would appreciate the same respect from them!

In all of the years that my people, while traveling the red road around Indian country, did any of us ever tell a tribe how they should run their culture and it never accrued to do so.

The biggest problem out or the powwow trail is the wannabe "Spiritual leaders" claiming the right to perform (as in a circus) quickie Sacred Ceremonies, usually for pay and with some non native reason. Questions please?

If you get married, adopted or get a name within a day it was by a PHONEY!

If you get adopted by a true Traditional Spiritual Leader, you are now a full blood!

You do not lose your past you gain your future.


Giving back Follow up

First yes, please help this lady and her people.

Yes, many of the poorest elders have nothing to protect them from this horrible weather, you can drive by these "houses" and see through many of the poorly built sides to see these elders suffering with no heater in the winter no A/C in the summer, no electric most of the time because they also have no money. While this might get your attention and make you want to ship out money and goods remember this, 99% of your money and goods go to the top mob, very little if anything trickles down to the poor!

You MUST find a school of church that is willing to hand deliver.


This is why Traditional Native Americans have nothing to do with "Casino Reservations". Reservations mostly nonexistent until this government made them. Almost everyone of these "Indians" take and do not give back. They take millions!

It they did give back, this poor lady would have no need to be out begging for help.

Many of my readers will not enjoy reading this posting however, it needs to be said and people like me have been saying so for many years now. So many times the truth hurts and this is one of those times.

I have been to Pine Ridge, it took a few trips to be trusted however, have many friends and do believe that they are in need of help.

So do the thousands of "Reservations around them and throughout Indian Country.

While doing this traveling I have also been to thousands of towns, cities and villages of non natives just as much in need of our help?

I know that the natives were ripped from their land and moved to any useless land not wanted by this government, unless this government found a use for that land, then they were moved again.

I also know that Creator (GOD) helps those that help themselves. The buffalo is not coming back to that land, not without help.

They need to come to terms with this fact and come together with alternative way of helping themselves, then they can go out and bring back the buffalo if they still wish.

The land around them is very cold in the winter and very hot and dry in the summer. Both times the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, a great place for many types of alternative energy?

One thing about this government, it has offered their people help many times and it was refused just as many times, because they just want the old ways of hunting the buffalo.

This government needs to also offer the help to our cities, towns and villages? They will not refuse, unless you are Governor Scott of Florida.

Also something to think about?



Clifton woman donating used homes to Native Americans


Florida Native American Spiritual Leader

Blessings from our Creator to your state and the people because of your hardship from this last storm.

Welcome to my teaching blog about Spirituality from New York, New York

Looking for information for finding a Traditional Native American spiritual leader in Florida?

Not sure if I can fit the bill however,

I am a Traditional Native American, retired from New England now living in central Florida and will try to answer any and all questions, with that said, “how may one help you”?


Only 6 of our 45 species of snakes are Venomous

Hope that you are remembering the 6 while hunting in my backyard?

OOP's, I wonder if that was one of the six?

Florida tackling python problem with hunting contest

A grand prize of $1,500 will be awarded to the person who kills the most pythons, and $1,000 will go to the person who bags the longest one. According to the rules, road kill will not be eligible.

Participants paid a $25 registration fee and completed an online training course. The training focuses on safety while hunting pythons.

Everglades National Park.

Are you in the need for a good laugh?

A must read joke.

The 2013 Python Challenge

The Burmese python is native to Southeast Asia and was first found in the Everglades in 1979, according to researchers at the University of Florida.

We in this country have allowed snake sellers stealing from another country and selling them as pets?

However, when this pet eats more then we can feed what do we do?

Discard them someplace of course.

As a follower of Creator and respecter of creation might I ask if there is other ways of removing an intruder that did not wish to be there in the first place?

This snakes ancestors did not come here on vacation and decide to stay. Their ancestors were stolen and sold here as cute little pets or eggs.

Someday soon one will run out of native food and eat our pets and/or children then what?

I believe that there are about as many stun guns sold as legally sold guns, how about using one on the hunt, sell the live snake to go to museums, zoos and such, instead of risking unqualified humans life or killing indiscriminately?


Talk about being a racist!

What's in a wannabe Native American name?

While going through many "native Facebook sites" trying to find my now lost friends from a Facebook account that, after so many years I was told (as they removed it) that I cannot have the site because it is not a Euro American name!

Talk about being a racist!!!!!!

Guess you must have a name that sells advertising?

Time after time I must go through so many phony names?

For instance, a white female of Asian descent pointing a gun at you while dressed in a Indian squaw costume with the name of a New Your city, calling herself an apache?

Or how about Big Bear White Silver Running Wolf, what tribe is he from?

Come on now, no self respecting true traditional American Native would, could or should embarrass themselves, the ancestor, the culture or Creator with such foolishness.

A foolishness that makes outsiders call all of us fools!

We the people throughout Indian Country allowed this to happen each time we see some phony at a gathering blessing another phony then giving a phony name?

We, for the sake of our culture, ceremonies, elders, ancestors, Creator and just because it is the right thing to do, must first teach the correct ways of our ancestors while receiving a prayer name, then CALL OUT and turn our backs on those phony "Spiritual Leaders"!

I go to the leader of said gathering in protest, if nothing gets done, a sprinkle of tobacco and an Eagle Feather on the lead drum will do the trick, if it is in fact a real Native American Gathering!

A traditionalist, the only person qualified to pray for and receive a native prayer name from Creator knows that, because that name can never be used out loud, also gives a Euro American name as in Walkingfox for use in everyday conversation. http://sachemspeaks.wordpress.com/a-story/


The tobacco is a request for permission from Creator, the Eagle Feather ENDS THE GATHERING!

If you do not own a feather (another blaspheme against our people by this government) and your right taken away. Find an elder with a feather, politely with the offering of tobacco explain your problem.