
One win for our Native American Woman

Just checked my mail and though you may be interested it this?

After a long battle with this bread company and the use of a slander word used to sell one of their products, we win this one.

Milton's Baking via bluehornet.com  1:23 PM (23 hours ago)

Update From Milton's Craft Bakers

Dear Sachem ,

At Milton's Baking Company, we believe in delivering great-tasting products with wholesomeness and nutrition you can feel good about eating. You recently reached out to us with your concerns about the name of one of our products. Please know that we take any issues raised by our consumers seriously.

 After evaluating the needs of our consumers, retailers and partners, we have decided to replace the Milton's Squaw Bread with a new product which strengthens our heritage of nutritious and delicious craft-baked breads. We plan on making this transition by the end of 2013, and we will update you via email once the new product is available in stores.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We will continue to bake and distribute our other delicious breads including our Original Multi-Grain and Healthy Whole Grain breads, which you will be able to find in your favorite store.


 Rebecca On Behalf of Milton's Baking Company


The last of my many letters to

Milton Bakery

A special blessings to all of you that helped bring this situation to a good close from our Creator and our women.

Together we work for the good of our people, Mother Earth and creation.

Only write after a prayer?

There is another old saying, "One should never open mouth, or in my case write, before you put your brain in gear"!

I wrote a posting a few days ago in response to an Email I receiver from an Indian? "Native Religion Eagle Feather Teachings"!

Eagle feather teachings


That letter just once again proves that even a Spiritual Elder can and will stumble an fall now and again, because I did get a little too angry and wrote my answer before praying about it. Being right is never enough. Being in control of your writing is. So I apologized to Creator and now to my friends on Word press. I clicked Delete on the Emails and do not plan on answering by Email however, I am writing.

As a lover of all Creation I just will never understand some things?


Now to the subject at hand.

Many letters from many Indians followed to explain to me, in their own way, the need of Eagle Feathers in their Sacred Ceremonies.

I have never and will never get into another person's believe unless to ask or answer a question, I have enough to do with ceremonies of my people.

The Eagle in most tribes is the messenger to and from Creator, therefore most tribes consider it the most important bird of prey of all.

My question is and I am only asking, " If the Eagle is so revered and because of this, it is needed for your Sacred Ceremony, why do you kill it"?

If your Supreme Being is telling you that you must have a Bird of Prey (Eagle) or you cannot hold your Sacred Ceremony, shouldn't you be trusting your Supreme Being to provide you with the necessary parts to your Bird of Prey (Eagle)?

If one goes into battle and comes out a victory, do we thank our Creator by killing the messenger of our request to our Creator so that we can hold a sacred ceremony to thank are Creator for the blessing?

Do we need to have the most Eagle Feathers on our Regalia at gatherings to show everyone just why we are better than them?

Look at me, how great I am, I can kill an Eagle without being killed, so now I can wear it's body parts on my body parts!

Sorry you all, I am still confused?


Walk a mile in my Moccasin's

1976 Military uprising in Buenos Aires Argentina

I am thinking that we should keep a close eye on the new pope however, condemn him not but enjoy the refreshing difference?

Native American have always said, "before judging someone walk a mile in their moccasin's"!

Remember the Dali Lama while the Chinese were assimilating Tibet?

The Dali Lama did not stay around to try to stop the Chinese He lived to fight another day, do you hold that against him?

A dead man can help no one?

Look to the bible and read what Jesus thinks.

Luke 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

Christians believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. What has always been on my mind as a Native American that enjoys reading books like the bible is, " If this is true why do those Christians treat their pope as their god"?

Pope Francis seems to agree and is teaching the world how he feels the world should be a Christian. Lets back off a little and give the man a chance?



The many ceremonies of our people

Out of all of our ceremonies Matriarch/ Naming/Adoption/ are the ones that keep coming up on my trackers the most for one reason or another?


Welcome to the visitor from the City Corbin Kentucky

I just covered the Naming Ceremony and it has not been all that long since covering our Matriarch or our Adoption ceremony however, the one common thread with all three and the rest of our ceremonies is not covered often enough on the internet.

There is only one ceremony to become the Head Clan Mother (Matriarch).

There is only one ceremony to be adopted.

There is only one way to receive your Traditional Eastern Woodland American Native Name with our people.

To become a Matriarch you must have been born or correctly adopted into the Clan.

To be correctly adopted you must have also had the correct Naming Ceremony.

To have your True Traditional Name you must have gone through a True Traditional Naming Ceremony.

One cannot have a real Native American Name by receiving it from some wannabe at some gathering or powwow and never at a Paw-paus because there will be no wannabes around that circle. I hope that this can put the questioning to rest for a little while?

To some of my postings, this one is about Matriarchs.

 Matriarch in our Indigenous tribe.



Matriarch ( Clan Mother)

Matriarch in our Indigenous tribe.

Checking my Ancestors?

There was an old saying while going through the school system.

"I may be dumb but I'm not stupid".

I just found out that some of the people coming to my websites and Bloggers are not really reading the postings?

I keep getting people wanting to friend me in hopes of get into the casino money.

A little recap about my past might be in order? I was fortunate in one way and unfortunate in another while growing up around Uncasvillage. Unfortunate because I had no children my age to play with back in the 40s, 50s and 60s while growing up back in that little village.

Fortunate because I was able to spend most of my free time around my Grandfather, the last true Sachem of our people and his handpicked chiefs (my father and I, are no more than figurehead leaders).

My Grandfather and his chiefs were the last of the keepers of our culture and ceremonies. Sachem Tallfox, my grandfather, could see what gambling, the likes of bingo, was doing to his people and hated it. The last thing we talked about before he crossed was gambling, so he asked (ordered) me to shun anything gaming. My father, may he rest in peace, was an alcoholic most of his life and I am now old enough to understand the many reasons why, on his last talk with me he reaffirmed my grandfathers wishes as also casinos. As the elders crossed, their followers left for what they felt would be an easier life, only to be shunned by those very same Casino Indians. I love my Grandfather, father, all of my elders and of course the rest of my family however, the most important thing, I love and respect the teaching of my people by Creator and have no plans of going against Creator!

If you wish to be my friend, one can never have too many friends.

If you wish to become a casino Indian please contact the casino Indians?