
Native Americans beliefs?

Traditional Native Americans are taught and I believe that it is written in the Jewish Torah, the  Koran and Christian Bible as well as the teaching of Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama, that we humans are the protector ( babysitters) of Creation (Birds, Plants, Animals)?

If this is so why can't I find more than a hand full of website and/or posting about our Wild life (Endangered Wild Life) protecting of Creation?

Most of what we should be doing is helpful to our way of life also?

A new posting that I am proud to say is being built by my partner.

Please stop by for a visit when you have the time and let her know what you think?

A Native of the Heart?

In the past posting a writer writes, " A Native American is not of the blood, a Native American is of the Heart and Mind".

In my culture a Native American of the Mind & Heart is a Native American in the Mind!

A Native American is a person with Native American Ancestry or in my tribe, is correctly adopted into and by the blood from someone properly qualified to hold this Sacred Ceremony!

In another person's writing, it is stated that no one today knows the ancestors culture and ceremonies because it was not written down. I have traveled around Indian country most of my life and believe that I am qualified to disagree with this person. There are thousands of true traditional Native Americans that have faithfully kept the traditions, culture and ceremonies. Look behind you because we choose to keep our culture from today's corruption. Our culture has always been written down, you just have not learned how to read it!

What is a wannabe Indian?

Welcome to the visitor from the City Waterdown  Ontario Canada, 

 to one of my postings about,

How come today, mixed-race 'Native Americans' look 'Irish' or 'German' or 'European'??

If you have even a drop of native blood and are reading about this question from most of the people on the internet not all just the (EXPERTS), you can tell them to start with this answer, "they are WANNABES"!

For the many people that are answering the question "What is a wannabe Indian"

Get up brush yourself off comb your hair then look into a mirror and point forward!

To the people that honestly want to know, “ a wannabe is anyone not holding to the culture, ceremonies, ancestors, and Creators ways. No matter what the color, race, religion, or beliefs. PERIOD!”


If you are not descended from Sachem Uncas, you are not a Mohegan?

If you travel around the internet, read some of the newest books about my people, watch television or try to follow someone's genealogy, it ends up as everybody is related to the first leader of the Mohiigan’s native people, Uncas, Mohiigan.

Shechaim Uncas, (son of Owaneco a Pequot), Shechaim Owaneco (son of Uncas), Attawanhood (Joshua son of Uncas), John Uncas (son of Uncas), Shechaim Cesar Uncas (son of Owaneco), Shechaim Isaiah Uncas. Ben Uncas, Ben Uncas 2nd, Ben Uncas 3rd.


Whatever happened to the Pequot's that followed Chief (Shechaim) Poquiam (Unkas) away from Sachem Sassacus, settled on the west side of the Pequot river and followed Shechaim Poquiam (Unkas) their new Shechaim now known as Uncas?

Remember that there was well over one hundred warriors and their women and children.

Once these people excepted Uncas as their leader, he became their Shechaim, they became the old long gone original Mohiingan' s and his people, the tribe that was forced from their old homeland along the great lakes. As usual with non natives doing the recording, the name changed down through the years and we became known as the Mohiigan’s. Now we must back up a little further into our past and we will find that the Pequot's were first called the Pequins ( Dutch name for destroyer), however, we know that they are really a farming peaceful tribe known as the Mohiingan people, forced to leave their home up and over to the west at the Great Lakes that through the years learned from their enemy how to fight for their lives.

Someone needs to explain to these “Decedents” that it is not necessary to be of royal blood to be a Casino Indian?

While we are on the subject, I would like to know who told our people that there were no more Mohiigan’s Shechaim after Shechaim Ben Uncas the 3rd and what happened to the rest of the Royal blood line?

I know what happened, what I want is for those saying that there are no more to please explain?

A quick word about our New England people.

Patriarchy/Matriarch Society?

The original people of this area were all of a Matriarch family, as in filtering, annihilation, assimilation and pollution set in now some are of the Patriarchy and no longer our people.


Western Chiefs/Plains Indian Chiefs/ Eastern native American chiefs

Welcome to the City of Methuen Massachusetts



Sachem Uncas/ Chief Homer St. Francis 06/07/2013



10/9/12 He was a chief



To my  Sachem Uncas and chief Homer St. Francis posting



One of my dear friends and a mentor was never a Sachem, no disrespect to a great man.


As you can see from that posting I must treat the taking of information to use as your own as dishonest.


I must also point out blatant mistakes or downright lies.


As I tried to explain to the writer and students at this school.


Daniel Hand High School.


A chief throughout the eastern coast of Indian country has a completely different meaning then our brothers out west of the Mississippi river.


Our people called their leader by a different name.


Down through the years the spelling of the name, as with everything else since first contact has changed a little.


My tribal people called him/her Sachem (Sa-Chum).


As for the word chief, it started with elder warriors, he or them became known as our War Chiefs after first contact.


This person or persons was the protector of the village whenever necessary for the young warriors to leave for a time.


This was a loving way to show respect to older warriors that the Clan Mothers wish to protect from themselves (too old to battle or hunt effectively).


My dear friend chief Homer St. Francis became one of these chiefs through a ceremony from our Sachem while on one of his many visits.


You also made a visit to a few of our past chiefs.


The Story of Harold Tantaquidgeon By Virginia Frances Voight