

Thanks for reminding me to write about our Evil One!
What is this Powwow?
What is a Traditional American native paw~paus?
This depends, are you looking for a calendar of events, or the true meaning of these words?
In today's thinking a powwow is a place where Native Americans invite everyone to enjoy a day, a weekend, a week, or more in fun and games.
Let it be known that we have nothing against a religious belief in Witches, Warlocks or Shamanism, at their ceremonies.
Back before first contact, before the Europeans made it necessary for the people to change the gatherings of the people. American native people held gatherings called Paw-paus.
( Pa~~Wa~~us).
Soon after first contact and because the Europeans were starting to get extremely mean and pushy at wanting into this very spiritual event, the Sachem’s of the New England tribes came together to find a fast safe way out of this situation.
A quick note.
Long before this first contact our ancestors knew of an evil Shaman warlock/Witch that practice Shamanism. This Shaman warlock/witch name was called powwow and was extremely evil.
The Sachem’s of these true American native people placed the problem in the hands of their Tribal clan mothers ( Head Clan Mother).
After many debates about the problem the clan mothers came up with the name powwow and a great explanation as to why it should be used.
It would seem that our invaders acted very much like this Sharman so, why not start having a gathering like our paw-paus and invite them all?
(A dance with the Sharman (Evil one).
The problem in this day, that was unforeseen by our ancestors, is that now many of these powwows are infested with shamans, witches and warlocks, some now are even running this gathering!
This would be a very good reason to explain why no American Traditional Native advertises when and where we are holding our Paw-paus!
Be very afraid of the spirit man or woman powwow, in our Native American Gathering of the people!
The Evil spirit Trickster ( Coyote ) and his sub spirit will do anything a person allows them to do, to the take native prayers from them ( the people ) to Creator.


Native American Military ceremony.

Native Americans have been going to and coming home from wars for long before there was an America however, before first contact was a ceremony by my people. Receive a blessing upon leaving the village, first to make sure that they should be going to a war, if so asking Creators blessing on both sides of the conflict.
The head tribal mother ( Clan Mother) would assemble all of the women and children, form two lines for each warrior to pass between.
As the warrior passed they would throw herbs into the air over the warriors while in prayer to Creator for a safe return.
At the return from battle, a lookout ( always had an elder on lookout because the enemy could always circle back on that village) would send signals back to the village, the male elders would greet each warrior at the entrance of the village, while the head tribal women ( Clan Mother) once again assembled the women and children forming the two lines ready with the herbs and prayers.
After 1924, after being recognized as human and a citizens of this country, Native Americans have bravely served this land with true honor and deserve that recognition.

Sachem Tallfox a proud WW-2 Veteran,

Sachem Zeak wounded at the sub base before service and could not serve.
Sachem Walkingfox a proud Vietnam Veteran.


What is a Native American.

Happy Fathers day Dads.
What is an American Native, Indian, or Native American?
First we need to clear up just what is an Indian, Native, and America?
An Indian is anyone in or from India, period!
A Native is anyone born to a town, city, state or country.
A Native American is anyone born in America.
America is a continent, North and South.
What is our continent?
Our continent is the only one in question for this blog entry and is west of Europe and Africa and east of  Asia, south of the north pole and North of the South pole.
If you were born to this continent, you are a Native American.
An American native for the purpose of this blog  is anyone with an ancestor, white, red, yellow, black and anyone in between, that can be traced back to either the Vikings or west through  Alaska.
A native to America is anyone with ancestors back to the first family on the continent, North or South.
While growing up in and around Mohegan Village, for all but four years because, Uncle Sam said " We want you", everyone called me a Mohegan Indian, that is up until the area became the home of the casino Indians, now they call me a Native American.
So, for the purpose of this blog, call me an American Native or what a concept, call me Walkingfox.

If you have a question or comment
just click on the comment just below this blog,
Sachem will be pleased to get back to you.


Traditional Native American (Indian) Burial Information.

What is the significance with tobacco in our funeral's?

Tobacco (Kinnick~Kinnick) is used to open our hearts to Creator for permission to have the ceremony and ask Creator to except this person.

Also please read

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Native American (Indian) Soaugi (Funeral).

The true Traditional American native people around Uncasvillage New England were crossed ( sent to be with the ancestors and Creator).

From a time long before Sachem Unkas ( Uncas), Oweneco, Attawanhood, Ben Uncas, Mamohet, Mahachemo, Momauguin, Ansantawae, Tontonimo,

Shaumpishuh, Sunk squaw Sachem, Montowese, Ackenach, Pethus, Ahamo, Nassahegon, Cassisinamon, Wequash, Weraumaug, Catoonam until my father Sachem Zeak, American Native people were lovingly

prayer on their trip home, please do not let this sacred tradition pass away.

Only four pictures of the old Turtle hill village and Burial ground remains public after the home and office invasion while Sachem Zeak was hospitalized in 1986.

These photos have a signed and dates mark of proof of ownership on them.

Because of all that has happened to every Sacred Traditional American Native site of our past ancestors, we will never show directions to this the most important best used site known to my people, we have however, set up in a well for my head chief and head Tribal clan mother, all that is known of our true past including this alter/burial ground!


Yes, all birds of prey are our brothers and sisters and are buried with the same love and ceremonies.

This was found on the internet and should always be studied.



The NAWBS is a grass-roots volunteer network comprising of individuals from all vocations, religious beliefs, and areas of the continent, who have the desire to further the dignified and loving practice of natural woodland burials.

Natural burials are common in many “third world” countries. Private organizations, churches, and the government in the U.K. are the world leaders among industrial nations in the ecologically sound woodland burial movement.

The U.S. Civil War resulted in a disastrous change of burial practices, laws, and an increasing stranglehold over burials brought by the commercial funeral industry. As a result of these changes the American society has become a victim of an uncaring system. In addition, those of religious beliefs such as Judaism and Islam who have specific burial requirements are often discriminated against by unnecessary laws and regulations.

The Society supports the rights of individuals to choose the method of burial for either themselves or their loved ones. The movement towards natural (“green”, “woodland”, “D.I.Y.”) burials is growing as people realize the personal, environmental, and economical benefits that are realized. It is the aim of the newly formed Society to provide a source of information and help in this process.

To be able to accomplish the aims and goals of the Society, we invite an open membership of anyone interested in "woodland" burials. The amount of involvement a member may wish to participate in one or more activities is up to each member.

Some of the major areas the Society can provide concentrated activisms in are:

a. provide information to the public and media on natural burials.

b. to inform local and state government authorities and elected officials about natural burials, and work to change any laws or regulations that may prevent citizens from exercising their choice of burial method.

c. to provide a referral point in each state for those seeking accurate information on natural burials.

d. to support and encourage the development and manufacture in the U.S. of burial products that are ecologically sound. This includes such items as shrouds, bio-degradable caskets, and similar items.

e. to provide a medium of contact and cooperation with funeral directors and other businesses involved in the funeral commerce.

f. to work towards helping establish natural burial reserves in all states, and establish a supportive working relationship with existing ones.

g. to work with local churches and religious leaders to gain support for natural burials and woodland burial reserves.

h. to work, and provide coordination, with "end-of-life" palliative care organizations to extend end of life care onto the dignified "last rites" of a natural burial.

Author Unknown!

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The last of the Mohicans ( Mohegan's).

This is another question that keeps coming up in my tracked.
The Last of the Mohicans by James Fennimore Cooper, first published in February 1826.
Is a will written novel and a good fiction film 1992 about Indians.
Yes, it is true that Mr. Cooper is a relation.
Yes, it is true that Uncas is the first Sachem of our people and that Russell Means is a great warrior Native American however, it is also true that the book and the film take liberties with the past in order to make and sell the book and the movie.
Nothing wrong with that as long as it is understood that they are both only fictions for your enjoyment and that you remember that we are still very much a part of this land called, Mother Earth.
I did enjoy reading and then watching the Last of the Mohicans while knowing that they, the Mohicans as with our people are still around.
The story takes place in 1757, about the French and Indian War when France and Great Britain battled for control of the Colonies.
This story was built on some very close to the truth information about the knowledge of a scout during a war, a good scout could tell if a body had been moved, the principal character Uncas, after a well-known Mohegan sachem, allied with the English in 17th-century.
Mr. Cooper confuse and merge the names of the two tribes , Mohegan and Mohican in order to make for a good story.
The Mohican are in the Hudson River Valley , the Mohegan's left that area and live up and down the east coast.
Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis) in this play is a European-born adopted son of the Mohican scout Chingachgook (Russell Means), 

in this film, not true Mohegan's or Mohicans, wouldn't it be nice if the 1992 film or a newer movie used real Mohican/Mohegan people?

Who would want to take a few steps backwards from Sachem of the people, to just Uncas ?

Also, in that old film the other Indians look and act like Mohawks.

If you have a question or comment
just click on the comment just below this blog,
Sachem will be pleased to get back to you.