Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Powwows. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Powwows. Sort by date Show all posts


7 requests since the last posting

Please read some before you ask?

7 requests about the following subject since the last posting and counting?

I have few ‘followers’ less ‘likes’ and fewer, if any ‘comments’ and I know that it is because of the following type of postings.

However, my promise to Creator and my elders was to help keep the ancestor’s words, culture and ceremonies available to our people and anyone wishing to learn our ways while also helping to protect ‘Mother Earth.

I know and love the land of my people, 

New England, among others.

All of my blogs, post and the website, because of this love reflects this love of my people, my ancestors and the land because Creator made it all.

Yes, of course I love other people and lands.

However, this is narrowed down because of constant requests from others?

Please at least read the titles of some of my posting before you request my following your site?

I love the New England and New York area, 
from diaper to retirement I have traveled the area in question thousands of times for meeting, gatherings, Paw-paus and powwows.

I know the people who love the area 
 I know the people who are
(Tricksters and pretender, because of their greed ‘Selfish Greed’)!

Evil spirits Coyote, Trickster and Powwows

If you follow and/or like to (feel the bern), this is your right as a citizen of this country.

However, as long as I live I will not ‘like’ or ‘follow’ your site, this is my right as a citizen of this country!

If nothing else please read this post? 
Because, before I follow your site, I will be seeing the sites that you follow, constantly checking back when necessary, and if you do not like anyone I might wonder why?

I will never forget  his animalistic activists each time my president passed by one of this cowards group and because he beat himself they joined (it), now in the White house, nor will I allow anyone else to forget.


Grand Entry (our church).

Grand Entry

The Circle is the oldest symbol of the world.

Back before first contact we the American Natives from the Eastern woodland tribes had what we called a PAW-PAUS (church).

Because of first contact (threats of assimilation) and the lack of non native understanding our
ancestors changed the gathering and the name to Pow-Wow (meaning the wicked ones) which now allowed non natives into the circle!

Understand that Eastern woodland American natives wish for the same respect when it involves our Grand entry, and a precious few other dances?

No traditional elder wishes to be mean we have explained that most of our people attending this entry do so with many sacred medicines and or possessions some believe should
NOT  be recorded!

Please come and enjoy a traditional american gathering we, the elders, would love to teach and guide you through-out and will ever enjoy a dance or two with you.

To some native peoples of northeastern North America, a 'powwow' was originally a man with special abilities to cure or offer advice from the spirit world, a wizard, witch, and magician as explained earlier. Now everyone is welcome at Powwows!

At times there is an entry fee or donation to help pay for the drum, electricity, insurance and so on and you will often find a wide variety of American native crafts, trade goods and food for sale; even demonstrations and storytelling as well, most tribes are very poor.

It's a great place for your entire family to spend the day.

Drugs and alcohol are not permitted; pets must be on a leash at all times, like at a Paw-paus some powwows invite pets into a circle because Grandfather (Creator) is Creator of all!

The spiritual center or heart of a Powwow is THE CIRCLE; a place to be respected and honored, it is a sacred place that is blessed BY CREATOR through a spiritual leader.

The circle is entered only from the East (the opening) and dancers travel in the same direction as the sun.

The singing is a gift and prayer to the Creator; and the drum is the heartbeat of our People. The singers and drummers together are called THE DRUM.

Ceremonies start with a "Grand Entry" of the dancers to pay respects to our Creator and to greet one another. Honoring songs, and dances for veterans and our ancestors and a prayer follows. You will be asked to stand and remove your hat for these ceremonies if you can.

Please don't take photos or videos if you're asked not to do so; and please don't touch the clothing (Regalia) or personal belongings of anyone in American native dress.

Much of what is worn is sacred, expensive and irreplaceable, but do feel free to ask if you want to take individual pictures, or if you have a question about a particular item that someone is wearing.

Most traditional Native People will be pleased to assist you if they're asked first.

You will see many types of dances at a Powwow. When you hear a 'Round Dance' or sometimes it is called a friendship dance announced, EVERYONE will be invited to

participate, so proceed to the East of the circle and join in.

A Round (Friendship) dance is easy to learn and fun to do. AHO!



Welcome to my visitor from Pembroke Canada
To my website and blog looking for fire keepers and smudging.
Smudging the correct way.
Smudging has just been covered the other day,
Smudging before entering the circle September 28, 2013
However Fire Keeper has not been covered.
Fire Keeper is the reason why I have been holding onto this for a little while and praying about it before answering.
I do that a lot because I want to get it right with my ancestors and Creator before teaching.
We must once again understand that my teachers were from around New York, New England and parts Southeast. 
While it is true that my father Shechaim Zeak and my grandfather Shechaim Tallfox had many visitors to our meetings, I have no knowledge of the Canadian natives Fire Keepers and their ceremony, never had the opportunity to witness?
Also, since I am writing on a blog being read by people from all over Indian country, Native American country and the world, I feel that it is necessary to point out that fact.
I have also been to thousands of gatherings around Indian country and have noticed that most gatherings do not have a fire; some have a fire almost as an afterthought and a few have a fire along the lines of our Paw-paus gatherings.
It is this last that I chose to write about.
My people take a fire in or around a circle very personal.
You see, we believe that a correctly placed fire at the correct time is a sign that Kiehtan (Creator) has agreed to a visit with our gathering.
The original powwows before first contact (Paw-paus) the fire was always off to the west side away from distractions with room to do our smudging/prayers.
In those days smudging was with Kinnick – Kinnick Herbs, this is our tobacco.
Never, never, never use any chemical smoking tobacco, never!
Our powwows, not counting today's intertribal where the fire is placed into the center of our circle.
Long before any gathering begins the cleaning and clearing must be done.
After the circle is cleaned and cleared correctly it is time to smudge.
Remember; just as most tribal ancestors from southern areas, and as with our Paw-paus, you start the smudging at the center starting in the east, north, west, south and back to east, step wards toward the east two or three feet until the circle is smudges at the east.
Also remember that this is speaking ‘Intertribal’ because all ‘Sacred Circles are over west of a circle.
Taking the remains of the last fire and mixing it with Kinnick, Kinnick we start the spirit smudging, light the fire in the center of the circle.
Light the mix from the fire in the circle, extremely important, let the fire in the circle go out on its own.
Smudge starting at the east at the fire, smudge around and back to the east, take two steps toward the east opening and smudge around the fire once again back to the east each time getting closer to the east opening and out through your opening.
This way all spirits good and bad will be forced out the opening of your circle.
Good spirits will return with Kiehtan.
Your circle is now ready for the Firekeeper prayers for a blessing from Kiehtan and a visit. 

After the fire is started (another posting) the Firekeeper and assistants must keep the fire going for the length of the Paw-paus or powwow.


What is this thing called PAW~PAUS?

Why can't this thing be found all over the internet?

It must be one of those secret sacred ceremonies Sachem keeps talking about?


It is not a secret sacred ceremony.

It is however, a ceremony and very much alive today.

It is a vessel (ceremony) used four times a year, sometime even more often, by the ancestors into which many of our Sacred Ceremonies are enjoyed.

The only reason why one, until after this posting, cannot find information about this ceremony is simple.

No phony, wannabe, impersonator has been able to steal enough information in order to fool the masses, plus you cannot make money off of it.


It is only polite to ask before taking information from someone's  website or blog?

Ask my WordPress friends, we all enjoy re blogging and someday even I might get it right?

Back before first contact before the Europeans made it necessary for the people to change the gatherings, the first people around the East Coast held our gathering call a Paw-paus.

Our gatherings are what today's powwows started out looking like believe it or not, only with no Sacred Ceremonies in them without a special invitation.

Sorry to say that not much in today's powwow’s look anything like a Paw-paus.


No fence marking off the circle, no charge ever to entry the grounds.

No Arena Director because it has no arena, no keeper of a gate. It has a circle, cleaned and cleared always with the intent of an invitation to Creator for a blessing and a dance or two.

Food venders were always welcome as long as they provided their own power and could prove that the food was tasty and safe to the consumers, yes, they do charge.

All venders knew before traveling that this is a gathering of the people and that anyone wishing to could provide a dish and if they wish a small gift for the share blanket.

No one sold things unless they could prove that it was made by hand and by our people from around Indian country.

Even if this vender was with or without a government plastic card.

The Paw-paus was usually held on someone from the tribe's land or permission from a sponsor to use their land, so many did have a donation bucket, drop into or if need be take from?

As stated above, many time all of our Sacred Ceremonies, even a Crossing once in a while, were held in a Paw-Paus.

Soon after first contact, because the Europeans were starting to get extremely pushy at wanting into this very spiritual event.

Sachem’s of the New England tribes came together to find a fast safe way out of this situation.

Long before this first contact our ancestors knew of an evil Shaman warlock that practice Shamanism.

This Shaman warlock name was known to the people as powwow and was an extremely evil wicked spirit.

The Sachem’s of these true American native people placed the problem where they knew that they would get an answer.

In the hands of their clan mothers.

After many debates about the problem the clan mothers came up with, why not use the name powwow and a great explanation as to why it should be used.

It would seem that our invaders from across the waters acted very much like this Sharman powwow.

So why not start having an event like our paw-paus and invite them all?

The problem day that was unforeseen by our ancestor is now many of these powwows are infested with shamans, witches and warlocks, some even running it!

This would be a very good reason to explain why no American native advertises when and where we are holding our Paw-paus and why it is still so hard to get information.



The Meaning of the word Aquine?

Rio De Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil
AQUINE (Peace to you
Welcome to the visitor to some of my teaching websites and blog postings looking for answers to their questions about
The Meaning of Aquine
This is just one of our extremely old words used often by my elders, now ancestors, 
while attending gatherings, meetings, powwows and paw-Paus back while growing up in Uncasvillage.
WE are pleased to be able to teach as much as possible about our traditional ancestors.
As you may or may not see while traveling around the internet, 
some teaching about our people will not compute with what the elders taught as the truth.
Many times often taught by non native people or not from our tribe!
Please remember that if you have questions 
about our websites and blogs we can answer you at
sachemwalkingfox at
Also please stop by for awhile at our main blog posting.
by my webmaster

Taw-but-ni (Thank-you) for your questions


American Indians with Blonde hair?

Boy does this bring back old wounds from past memories.

How many hundreds of times, or in my case thousands, did you go to powwows in the east and see dancers dressed in European cloth and stating that this is their Regalia?


To think about how many times people from the Plains Indian area would show at our gatherings in the east and carefully explain to us and our white European friends,

"why we cannot be real full bloods"!

Our skin is not dark enough, some of us have light color hair, some even blonde!

Remember that my grandfather, father and I along with some really traditional people, both men and women from all around the eastern tribes were the heads of this group of people being told that we could not be real natives?

 Today is

(Vindication Day)

Scientist through DNA is showing that Light Skin and Blonde Hair may have, in fact, started in this country, in the Dakota's Area!

So, I am guessing that all of those intruders into our gatherings from the west are, in fact, not Full Bloods?

Because they have dark skin and black hair!

Native Americans, Europeans share close ties: research

 Is it possible that two distinct peoples crossed the land bridge separately and met up in North America?

Several tribes living in what is now the United States, most notably the Mandan tribe that is native to the Dakotas, had strikingly European-looking features, including blond hair, when they were first met by French traders in the 18th century.

Graf said the new finding shows that those “European” traits are actually native to those tribes.

“What this study is telling us is that those European-looking signatures, those features, came with them over the land bridge from Siberia, and were present in people who lived in Siberia 24,000 years ago,” she said.

The migration paths that may have brought people across the Bering Strait Land Bridge.


Sachem Walkingfox


Thanks for the memories!

Holloway Minnesota

Springfield Massachusetts

Millington Tennessee

Denver Colorado

This is GREAT, brings back memories of the many trips through out Indian country while visiting schools, powwows, gatherings and tribal lands all of those years of my youth.

I have been looking for some of these photo’s lost in one of my older computers, destroyed by the phone company while they were hooking up Wi-Fi down the road!

Images for sachem walkingfox made by Google?

Remember you get my information for free!


Bridgeport Public Schools Bridgeport, Connecticut

Welcome Bridgeport Public Schools
I have a question for you 
before I answer your question.
Why is there a fire in any circle at powwows?
Guess what.
Want a shocking discovery 

about the ceremonies 
of the native people around your area?
Keep on reading.
Welcome to the student from Bridgeport Public Schools
Bridgeport, Connecticut
One of many of our posts 
about the Native Americans 
in and/or around your school.
It is a good day when I open my tracker 
to find any school system looking for
‘true information about
Indian and/or Native American Country culture/Ceremonies'.
Not to be too selfish, 
it is a better day 
when the question is about our people,
 the first people of this land 
(Native Americans).
You might wish to also read
Keeper of the Fire after Grand Entry
Native American Sacred Fire Keeper Duties
For my question,
‘Fire in a circle?
If you check the internet, 
there are thousands of posting about Indians 
(Native to the Land), 
some are even written by Native People!
The ancestors of the Native People around your state
(New England Area),
‘did not have a fire in a circle’
at their gatherings!
The Fire at our gatherings represents
Creator is not on the land in question.
Although always watching, 
Creator wants to be invited to join creations for a dance or two.
In the ‘Gathering of the people’ (Paw-paus), the fire was ‘always’ in the West, the opening to the circle is ‘always’ from the East.
One would go to the West, pray for a blessing and then go to the East.

If you wish more information?

Please just ask.


Keeper of the Fire After Grand Entry

Assuming that the fire is now started and Grand Entry, Flag song, Veterans honor and so forth are now going on.

Fire Keeper, not to be confused with the Keeper of the Circle unless one person is assigned to do both, now becomes an invisible, for lack of an English word, fire feeder, to me the most important job or job of joy during the gathering, sitting with Kiehtan?

If everything from my last posting is completed correctly and we are talking Paw paus and some earlier powwows, your circle is now ready for the Firekeeper prayers for a blessing from Kiehtan and a visit.


Firekeeper/Keeper of the Circle


Kiehtan has come to visit with the people so the Firekeeper and assistants must keep the fire going for the length of the Paw-paus or powwow.

 The first thing we must understand before going any further would be that only Creator can bless anyone or anything, I cannot emphasize this enough times!

Only Creator (Kiehtan) can bless.

Blessings come down to Mother Earth, never up from her or any creations!

If the smudging of the circle is done correctly you should feel a peace of mind and a need to fellowship while in your circle.

Remember the bucket of shame at the east from the last posting?

You were asked, if you wanted, to put all bad thoughts into this bucket and Kiehtan removed them so now stand by for your blessing, if you are a believer?

My three favorite words are “Before first contact.”

Paw-paus fire, as stated in earlier postings is at the west out on the grounds someplace convenient so now smudging can commence without disturbing dancers and attendants.

For many years after this first contact the fire was also in the west because as you may know if you have been to these newer age gatherings, the East is clogged up for far too long while the head veteran is lining up the flags and veterans, dancers are making ready to enter and many others are standing around in the way waiting for their time to be smudged.

This cannot look good to outsider visitors?


 Shechaim Ohjieshan


Indians of Long Island

Welcome Long Island New York
To one of our websites about your area
Native people of New York and New England, more to the point Connecticut and Long Island have traveled to and from, married into, fished, hunted and fellowshipped long before recorded time.

Samson Occum
I modern times, if one can call by family, elders and ancestors modern?

Has many family and friends living on the island, I, starting with my grandfather, father, my family have traveled to gathering in your area and many of the elders from Long Island were members of my grandfathers and fathers monthly committee meetings.

Before our retirement Tahtonka and I have been to a number of gatherings and powwows on the island.

Other postings
Why just New England
Sachems (Shechaim) Travels


How not to get native Americans into your churches

Just another reason to show non natives why it is so hard to get native Americans into your religious churches.

Yesterday someone wrote to tell me that no one could truly except Jesus ( the Christian Jesus)and get into heaven without also a love for religion and belong to a church!

I’m guessing that person has been reading some of my blogs.

This time it was from a well known politician and just happened to be a Catholic.

Native Americans are not blaming that religion, because it would seem that each religion feels the same way?

If you do not belong to their church, you are wrong and condemned forever in some evil place!

This above statement goes against everything that I have found while reading their religious books, this includes their bibles, because each religion seems to have a different bible and or books?

However, in each Christian bible that I have been reading is this same statement.

Jesus said, “I am the way, truth, and life. No one can get to the Father [God] except through me.”


Native Americans and non natives, believe that it is consoling to fellowship, we have gatherings, paw-paus and powwows, you have a building?

However, there is only one Judge for humanity!



Thanks for reminding me to write about our Evil One!
What is this Powwow?
What is a Traditional American native paw~paus?
This depends, are you looking for a calendar of events, or the true meaning of these words?
In today's thinking a powwow is a place where Native Americans invite everyone to enjoy a day, a weekend, a week, or more in fun and games.
Let it be known that we have nothing against a religious belief in Witches, Warlocks or Shamanism, at their ceremonies.
Back before first contact, before the Europeans made it necessary for the people to change the gatherings of the people. American native people held gatherings called Paw-paus.
( Pa~~Wa~~us).
Soon after first contact and because the Europeans were starting to get extremely mean and pushy at wanting into this very spiritual event, the Sachem’s of the New England tribes came together to find a fast safe way out of this situation.
A quick note.
Long before this first contact our ancestors knew of an evil Shaman warlock/Witch that practice Shamanism. This Shaman warlock/witch name was called powwow and was extremely evil.
The Sachem’s of these true American native people placed the problem in the hands of their Tribal clan mothers ( Head Clan Mother).
After many debates about the problem the clan mothers came up with the name powwow and a great explanation as to why it should be used.
It would seem that our invaders acted very much like this Sharman so, why not start having a gathering like our paw-paus and invite them all?
(A dance with the Sharman (Evil one).
The problem in this day, that was unforeseen by our ancestors, is that now many of these powwows are infested with shamans, witches and warlocks, some now are even running this gathering!
This would be a very good reason to explain why no American Traditional Native advertises when and where we are holding our Paw-paus!
Be very afraid of the spirit man or woman powwow, in our Native American Gathering of the people!
The Evil spirit Trickster ( Coyote ) and his sub spirit will do anything a person allows them to do, to the take native prayers from them ( the people ) to Creator.