
Sachem Uncas/ Chief Homer St. Francis

Welcome to the visitor from Daniel Hand High School City Madison Connecticut

To someplace out on the internet almost making it to my website and/or blog?

I believe that you may have landed on one of the sites because you removed a photo of my long time friend Chief Homer St. Francis, withot asking for permission I might add.

You were looking for am image of one of my ancestors Sachem Uncas? you jumped the gun a little.

Homer St. Francis was a Abenaki Chief, hence the word Chief before the name.

Uncas was the first Sachem of my people, hence the word Sachem before his name.

I know you are only a high school however, this is what happens often when white people assume.

The word assume is not a native word so this may have been part of the mistake, only problem now is that all of the 1290 students have the wrong information.

So what do we do about this?

I guess that I can come up to your school and teach about our people however, I am now to old to drive so someone would need to provide transportation?

I go nowhere without Breanna and Donna so make it three?

If someone read the caption I placed under the photo maybe this mistake would not have happened?

Chief Homer St. Francis of the St. Francis Sokoki Band of the Abenaki at Missisquoi was a good friend of my father (Sachem Zeak) and Grandfather (Sachem Tallfox)a real true teaching Mentor American Natives Elder for me and so many others while we were growing up on our REZ in Uncasvillage!



Follow up on Native American Church

March 23, 2013

If you check back you will see that I had two questions from the same state, from two different blogs.

One I liked and wrote about, one that I did not like because as usual the site corralled all Native Americans into one category like they would their cattle and decided that their answer was the only correct one?

This second question should have been answered first however, because of the subject matter I needed a little cooling off period.

This needs to be talked about each time it come up in the media, websites or blogs, because if not the non knowing public, like this writer, will take this mistake as a fact?

There are still well over three thousand tribes throughout Indian country and most have their own idea about a church.

Mine is no different.

To me the first thing we need to get out of the way is, we have never used weed (drugs) or chemicals in any of our ceremonies and still do not.

This is one of the main reasons why we do not do religion.

No true traditional Sachem in the east would ever allow this to go on.

Another reason why we tried to hold our monthly meeting in a different area, besides making it a little easier for our elders.

This makes sure that each meeting stays as close as possible to our ancestors wishes.

We have always and will always get our high in prayer (talks) with the Creator of all creation and the love of all creation.

We also do not only use a building to speak with Creator, Yes for many years we held some of our meeting in a church.

 However, we believe that at any time any place one stops to pray, that is our church.

The Alaska Native's have Totem Poles, the western natives have Peyote. the Lakota have Sundance, the Apache have the Ghost dance and we have the Paw-paus.

I am sure that I left out a few tribes but you get the drift?

This is why information about our people should never be written by a non native of a wannabe native, you want information about a tribe? Please ask a member of that tribe.

You want to read something about any tribe?

Read something written by a member of that tribe.

If you wish information about anything in your state, would you read something written about your state from a native of another country?


Native American Occult (again)

Welcome to the visitor from the City of Brisbane Queensland  Australia

To some of my multiple websites and posting on this extremely important issue.

 Native American Occult.

I have been writing about this for many years and am willing to keep on writing for as long as it remains a question.

I know that if you were to leave your great city and head into bush country (Australia), you could still see your natives practicing their occult.

Nothing wrong with that as far as I am concerned.

However, I can tell you what I have been saying for over 25 years now.

I know why you are so confused.

The words Native American in this country has significantly changed since my elders crossed (became ancestors).

Wannabe natives from our area want so bad to become natives that they study, steal, and cut and paste information from around Indian country that makes their case to be Indian look credible ?

Because they do not know our culture their writings give them away.

Central and West coast Indians come to our Native American area and push these wannabe's into believing that their ways are the only ways.

West coast and Plains Indians do have an occult following.

Not knowing the fact that our people were in our land long before many of their people were in their land, they push their occult.

The wannabe's buy into this fault thinking.

So whose way is the correct way?

The answer is, why not BOTH?

You go your way, I'll go mine?

Up until the early 1980's there was no such thing as an occult in my parts of Indian country.

What changed?

Our people started pushing hard to get our land back or reasonable pay for the land stole by these invaders.

So, the government, not wanting to do either, bought wannabe's that signed way our land?

Because the non native invaders of first contact and their lack of understanding about our culture and ceremonies (not in line with their religion, we call that an occult) our culture and ceremonies, to them were deemed an Occult.

The biggest difference and there are many, is the prayers.

We spend all of our time in the culture, ceremonies and life itself, speaking to the Creator of all creation, the occult in this country spend their life time worshiping a creation of Creator?

What's wrong with a MIXED BREED?

A mixed breed is a mixed breed is a mixed breed.

We have a melting pot in this country and it was a melting pot ever since first contact, maybe even before that.

99.99% of the people now living in this country are mixed breed.

Irish/English, English/Italian, Italian/Greek, Greek/Chinese, Native American/European, European/African American and so on.

What's the difference?

Cheerios ad featuring interracial family brings out the racists

One is really misinformed if you can single out one company YouTube) and call them the worst racist.

Each nationality has at one time or another been racist bigots.

A very wise lady constantly reminds me that if this world finally becomes light tan we can remove racist bigotry from Mother Earth.

I say wrong. Because then we will become racist bigots because one has longer hair or one is now too light?

Come on world, it's a commercial get over it, with all of the things fighting against us we have to war with each other?


By the way. Oats, along with many other things, are good for your heart!

Forget plain cereal, I am now switching back to CHEERIOS.

God bless Vice President of Marketing Camille Gibson

Have I read any of the comments, NO.

Will I ever read any of the comments, NO!

It's only an ad


I am a melting pot mixed breed. Native American, Irish, African American, if there is a problem, the solution is simple one.


Adopted into a tribe by a chief

Welcome to the city of Novato  California

Looking for information about being adopted into a tribe by a chief?

Once again I must remind my readers that I am teaching about my people around the New England area. Although I do know a little, because of teaching from elders out west, I am no expert, in fact I am not even an expert over on this side of Indian country, I just try to keep the teaching of our elders alive in the hearts of all wishing to learn.

That said, I cannot comment on the adoptions into tribes in California or the surrounding areas, please add your area to your question if this is what you are looking for? I hope that this is helpful, if not read on.

My elders, now ancestors, made it perfectly clear that adoptions are with the approval of the Sachem of a East Coast tribe, a chief in our tribe has only enough power, provided by the Sachem and/or the Head Clan Mother, to do the job assigned to him or her?

Also, Adoptions Ceremony are not to be taken lightly, if someone over on the east side of the Mississippi river adopts you within a day or so, that person is a phony and your adoption is useless and against the wishes of our ancestors.

There is no need to know or wonder if you have the blood, at the beginning of the ceremony the Head Clan Mother or Sachem will let you know. If for any reason the Sachem or Head Clan Mother assigns someone to follow you through your journey (ceremony) that person becomes your Chief and only after a discussion with you by the Head Clan Mother and/or Sachem, this way you know you are in the real ceremony and not some fly by night wannabe chief, sometimes calling themselves Spiritual leaders.