
Wilton, Maine

Welcome to the visitor from Wilton, Maine
Smudging and why?

To start with, people in your area I call (gazinta), now, now hold on.

Before my retirement I had thousands of good friends from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, upper New York and parts of Canada while heavy into our culture and ceremonies with my family.

This was until the end of the 1990’s and Cardiomyopathy.

My only point is,

"Yes, I know the ancestors in and around your town and our village".

Our elders called our people ‘Gazinta’s’ because our ancestors come from many tribes using the Algonquin and Abenaki language in the New York/New England Area.

Always remember.

"While smudging in your/our area, it is as a prayer to and a blessing from Creator, because only Creator can bless, never a creation of your Creator".


Buffalo, New York

Welcome and thank-you for your visit Buffalo, New York
To one of the many posting about ‘School Shooting in this,’
(Make America Safe Again Country)?

As you can see it is an older post however the truth is always the truth!

(This country is not safer and it is because of this White House)!

Thank you trump for signing your unnecessary executive order  

to re unite families
because of the stupid law that, 
that president put into effect this year!

Shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

When is it way past time to place blame to the blamed?

Thank you to the NRA!

Thank you to our congress people who refuse to place our children over money!

Thank you to all that add more guns each time we have a mass shooting!

Thank you to all that say, guns don’t kill people kill!

Thank you to all of the Nazi sympathizers in the county!

Thank you to all of the white supremacist sympathizers in this country.

Last but by no means least
Thank you to the president of 
‘All of the above people’!


Carmel New York- Smudging Spirits!

Welcome to our visitor from Carmel, New York
To one of a few postings about our people and smudging.
Does smudging get rid of good spirits also?
Does smudging get rid of good spirits also?

Does smudging get rid of good spirits?


Does smudging get rid of good spirits?


Smudging to me is a talk (Prayer), with Kiehtan (Creator) because after all friends, ‘nothing gets done’ without the blessing from Kiehtan (Creator)!

One of my mentors a regular and an elder of my grandfather meetings was Chief Hatchet a Ramapough Wappinger from Carmel New York, not of the people in New Jersey although we did meet them a few time on the powwow trail.

Up until 1947 our Smudging was done with herbs called Kinnick-kinnick, 
no need of a fire.

My first "Keeper of the Fire" was also with Elder Chief Hatchet as my teacher (1950).
Check out our pages at 


Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico

Welcome Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico

To one of our posting, this one about our friends over in Israel.

Who owns the land (Israel), in question?


Not sure what you were looking for however, you are always welcome come visit any time.
If you ever have a question, please leave a comment down at the bottom of one of our sites?

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Our president, I use this tern loosely, is looking for funds to build a Canadian wall?

Too late Canada is already building one!

Vicente Fox

This country is looking to trade, name your price!

We tried to get a trade with Canada, I didn't understand a word of their reply, but I think that it was NO!



Welcome to our visitor from the country of Israel
Smudging the correct way

This does not happen very often but I am at a loss for words?

I do remember the first time I ever heard the ancestors name for the leader of our people was at my first gathering (Paw-paus) in 1946 
not unlike an important city in the past of the Israelite fight to survive, 


I know far too little about the ceremonies of the Israelite people.

I do believe that we have thing in our past alike like According to the religious narrative of the Hebrew Bible, the Israelites' origin is traced back to the Biblical patriarchs and matriarchs Abraham and his wife Sarah.

I am however, always open to learn more.
That goes both ways, I am always open to answering questions?